FİŞ, Ahmet Murat

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Ahmet Murat

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Publication Search Results

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  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Being a woman entrepreneur in Turkey: Life role expectations and entrepreneurial self-efficacy
    (Sage, 2019-05) Fiş, Ahmet Murat; Ozturkcan, S.; Gür, Faik; Entrepreneurship; International Relations; FİŞ, Ahmet Murat; GÜR, Faik
    Two major competing life roles, work and family, are reported to dominate people's efforts in constructing a life. Here, we aim to explore whether and how attributed life roles and related coping strategies of current and aspiring women entrepreneurs meaningfully differentiate and whether the existence of entrepreneurs in their families affects the formation of these different clusters. In our empirical, two-part exploratory study conducted in the emerging economy setting of Turkey, first, we utilize the survey results of 234 women entrepreneurs to explore the issue, and then in the second part of the study, we administer face-to-face interviews to draw out some critical insights. We end up with three different clusters differentiating in their responses to challenges and effect of these on their entrepreneurial self-efficacy beliefs. We believe our study may shed some light on understanding nonhomogeneous women response to roles and challenges in the society and women's entrepreneurial journey.
  • Placeholder
    Start-up information search practices: the case of Turkey
    (Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2013) Fiş, Ahmet Murat; Çetindamar, D.; Entrepreneurship; FİŞ, Ahmet Murat
    Information search may be especially crucial in an emerging economy context where gaps in knowledge are magnified due to the limited availability, accessibility, and quality of sources. Under the framework of social embeddedness, we observe the role of previous entrepreneurial experience in information search conducted during start-up. The impact of information search on future growth is also explored. Based on an empirical study of 172 Turkish entrepreneurs, the results indicate that (1) first-time entrepreneurs search more intensely, (2) first-time entrepreneurs utilize a greater number of formal resources, and (3) the intensity of information search is positively related with future growth.
  • Placeholder
    Unlocking the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance
    (De Gruyter Open Ltd, 2021-01) Fiş, Ahmet Murat; Çetindamar, D.; Entrepreneurship; FİŞ, Ahmet Murat
    This paper explores the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and performance by developing a comprehensive theoretical model based on Schumpeterian understanding of entrepreneurship supported with the Theory of Planned Behavior from social psychology. The model shows how organizational culture (value) triggers a chain effect through its influence on entrepreneurial orientation (attitude) and managerial support (intentions) that ultimately generate impact on corporate entrepreneurship (behavior). We test our model in an emerging economy context and present our results with implications to theory and practice.