Il Paesaggio delle Architetture di Sinan. L’esempio della Tracia


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The aim of this work is to describe and analyze some aspects of the Ottoman architecture developed during the 16th Century, through the works and the masterpieces left by the great Ottoman architect Sinan. In particular, an investigation on the works made by the masterbuilder in the minor centers and along the main trade routes of Thrace, rather than the major works presents in the big cities as Istanbul or Edirne are presented in details. First of all, in this work it has been defined a specific case-study: the Ottoman Thrace. Undoubtlely, this region, known since the ancient time, is one of the best example where Sinan was able to develop works, both in architectural and urban scale, making of him a sort of site planner, rather than a city planner, by designed urban features and elements that fitted very well in the territory and in the environment, creating a sort of ‘Ottoman landscape’ still visible – sa far as it is possible – even today crossing those lands. The present work is divided in two main parts, each of them divided into two chapters. In the first chapter of the present work, the historical, political and social events and the Ottoman territorial administration in the 16th Century are presented. Moreover, the Ottoman system routes and tracks for the caravans and the locations for the station posts, called at that time menzil station, or terminal, are studied and analyzed, and the study concerns the trade routes and the network of supply systems and the roads for the military campaigns towards Europe as well, very important for the Ottoman’s sovereigns and policies. In the second chapter Sinan is introduced as the biggest Ottoman architect of all the time, compared often to its High Renaissance counterparts such as Michelangelo or Palladio. A short history of his life, through the examples of his major works underlining his cleverness to choose the places for his designs according to the patronage of the moment and to decide, case by case, the best solutions for the planning of the area are analyzed. Another point of this chapter reveals Sinan as a leader in the development of the classical Ottoman architecture and the importance of the role of Sinan in the territorial organization and administration as Chief of the Royal Architects. The other main topics describes in the second part of this work, in chapter three, are related to the Thrace region during the Sinan’s age, the main previous Ottoman buildings precence and his planning and transformations in the minor centers and along the main road axis. The Thrace is seen as an overland routes net to arrive from West to the core of the Ottoman Empire and viceversa. Istanbul and Edirne had been both capitals of the Ottoman Empire and at the same time the Thrace was a region of exchanges and trades between East and West. Finally, the last chapter entirely concerns the traveller’s literature, or travelogues. In particular, are taken in to considerations journey’s diaries, accounts, memoires or descriptions made by several travellers in the last four centuries, about many places along the roads, both overland and on the sea, through Thrace. In most of the cases, these descriptions show the relations between the architectures or the plans made by Sinan and the territories or the landscapes of Thrace. In the conclusions, the role of Sinan as a ‘site planner’ and his contributions to the Ottoman architecture in the interested areas, through the design or re-design of the territory are discussed. A glimpse to the present conditions of the Sinan’s works in Thrace, their actual use and the contemporary transformations in the territory is also take in consideration. A glossary that contains the major Turkish and Ottoman terms used in this work and one appendix that include all the Sinan’s works in the Balkan areas and in Thrace other then a complete and up to date bibliography on Sinan, are added as well.




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