Publication: Suç uydurma suçu ve savunma hakkı ilişkisi
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Bu çalışmamızda uygulamada sıkça karşılaşılan suç uydurma suçunun savunma hakkı ile olan ilişkisi incelenecektir. Türk Ceza Kanununa göre işlenmediğini bildiği bir suçu, yetkili makamlara işlenmiş gibi ihbar eden ya da işlenmeyen bir suçun delil veya emarelerini soruşturma yapılmasını sağlayacak biçimde uyduran kişi cezalandırılmaktadır. Suç uydurma suçu özellikle iftira suçu ile karıştırılabilmektedir. Çalışmamızda suç uydurma suçu ile ilgili Yargıtay kararlarına konu olan bazı örnekler de incelenecektir.
This study will examine the relationship between the offense of inventing a crime which is mostly encountered in practice and the right of defense. According to Turkish Criminal Law, a person who reports a crime to the authorities that he/she knows has not been committed or invents the evidences or signs of a crime which has not been committed in a way to lead to an investigation is punished. The offence of inventing a crime can be confused especially with the offence of defamation. In our study, some of the examples that are mentioned in the Supreme Court precedents regarding the offence of inventing a crime.
This study will examine the relationship between the offense of inventing a crime which is mostly encountered in practice and the right of defense. According to Turkish Criminal Law, a person who reports a crime to the authorities that he/she knows has not been committed or invents the evidences or signs of a crime which has not been committed in a way to lead to an investigation is punished. The offence of inventing a crime can be confused especially with the offence of defamation. In our study, some of the examples that are mentioned in the Supreme Court precedents regarding the offence of inventing a crime.
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