Browsing Faculty of Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 170-189 of 354
Jestlerin çocukların dil-iletişim ve bilişsel becerilerinin gelişimindeki destekleyici rolü
(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2021)While communicating, people frequently use visual articulators, such as hand gestures, together with speech. Speech and gestures form a tightly integrated communicative system during language production and comprehension. ... -
Kafatası deformitesi ile yaşamanın psikolojik etkileri
(Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği, 2017)Kraniosinostoz, kafatasındaki sütürlerin bir ya da birkaçının erken kapanması nedeni ile oluşan ve doğuştan gelen bir deformitedir. Kraniosinostoz için önerilen tedavi cerrahidir. Sütürlerin kapalı olmasından dolayı kafa ... -
Language learning through an intersectional lens: Gender, migrant status, and gain in symbolic capital for Syrian refugee women in Turkey
This paper sheds light on Syrian refugee women’s negotiation strategies in language learning classrooms and in their broader social contexts from an intersectional perspective. Drawing on in-depth interviews and focus ... -
Late sign language exposure does not modulate the relation between spatial language and spatial memory in deaf children and adults
(Springer, 2023-04)Prior work with hearing children acquiring a spoken language as their first language shows that spatial language and cognition are related systems and spatial language use predicts spatial memory. Here, we further investigate ... -
Legal pluralism and the Shari'a: a comparison of Greece and Turkey
(Wiley, 2014-08)The creation of a national and unified legal system was an important aspect of the rise of the modern state and national citizenship. However, this interpretation of legal rationalization has been challenged by sociologists ... -
Legislative, institutional and political context
(Springer, 2023)Refugee governance has legislative, institutional, political, and discursive dimensions. These components co-constitute each other and reflect the fragments of strategic temporality as a building principal. It is possible ... -
Linguistic encoding of inferential evidence for events
(The Cognitive Science Society, 2022)How people learn about events often varies with some events perceived in their entirety and others are inferred based on the available evidence. Here, we investigate how children and adults linguistically encode the sources ... -
Linguistic representations of emotion terms: Within- culture variation with respect to education and self-construals
(Wiley, 2014-12)The present study examines the linguistic representations of emotion terms in relation to educational attainment and self-construal through a two-part narration task. Eighty Turkish adults recounted four events that they ... -
Links between television exposure and toddler dysregulation: Does culture matter?
(Elsevier, 2021-05)Television exposure in early childhood has increased, with concerns raised regarding adverse effects on social-emotional development, and emerging self-regulation in particular. The present study addressed television ... -
(Lived) Spaces of belonging, culture, and gender: Spatial practices of home for Syrian women in Istanbul
(Sage, 2022)Combining architectural and cultural anthropological approaches, this study explores the domestic lived spaces of Syrian women in Istanbul to understand how they create belonging in a new social and architectural setting ... -
Logistification and hyper-precarity at the intersection of migration and pandemic governance: Refugees in the Turkish labour market
(Oxford University Press, 2022-03-23)This article analyses the governance of migration and the Covid-19 pandemic on precarious Syrian refugees in Istanbul. Drawing from a review of state policies and interviews with refugees before and after the pandemic, we ... -
The longitudinal associations among temperament, parenting, and Turkish children's prosocial behaviors
(Wiley, 2017-06-19)In Turkey, responsive behaviors toward kin are expected from children. Despite this, we know little about the factors that influence young Turkish children's prosocial behaviors. The goal was to explore how temperament and ... -
Longitudinal relations among parenting daily hassles, child rearing, and prosocial and aggressive behaviors in Turkish children
(Wiley, 2018-02)The present study was designed to examine the longitudinal relations between parenting daily hassles and young children's later prosocial and aggressive behaviors, as well as the mediating role of parenting practices in a ... -
Mad patriots: Militarized masculinities and nation- building in contemporary Turkish novels
(Taylor & Francis, 2021)Nationalist discourse in Turkey is replete with metaphors of militarism, and is built on hierarchies of ethnicity, class, and, of course, gender. -
Making a case over Greco-Turkish rivalry: major power linkages and rivalry strength
(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi, 2018)The goal of the paper is to explore how the intensity of the Greco-Turkish rivalry (in the 19th and 20th centuries) was affected by variation in the intensity of rivalries between major powers that have political and ... -
The making of a national city: From Mezre to Elaziğ
(Taylor & Francis, 2021)This chapter tells the story of an imperial town’s transformation into a national city. It will start with the emergence of Mezre as a government suburb in proximity to Harput in the nineteenth century. With its Armenian ... -
Making property of a marsh: environment, property, and politics in nineteenth-century Ottoman Ioannina
(Taylor & Francis, 2022-07-04)This article discusses the contested character of property rights with respect to reclaimed land from marshes in the Ottoman Empire through the reclamation project for Lake Lapsista in Ottoman Ioannina starting from 1886. ...
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