Browsing Faculty of Business by OzU Authors "Aykaç, Didem Selcen Öztürkcan"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
An actor-network theory (ANT) approach: analysis of Turkish e-government gateway initiative
There are various models proposed in the literature to analyze trajectories of e-Government projects in terms of success and failure. Yet, only the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) perspective (Heeks and Stanforth, 2007) considers ... -
Grey market e-shopping and trust building practices in China
Kervenoael, R. de; Aykaç, Didem Selcen Öztürkcan (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2008)In the last decade, the wide use of the Internet, particularly through the proliferation of broadband, has dramatically changed the behaviour and lifestyle of many people. China, as a fast-growing emerging economy with a ... -
Online social capital : understanding e-impulse buying in practice
Kervenoael, R. de; Aykaç, Didem Selcen Öztürkcan; Palmer, M. (Elsevier, 2009-07)Socially constructed marketing imageries (e.g. e-atmospherics) help consumers while making choices and decisions. Still, human and retailing technology interactions are rarely evaluated from a social practice perspective. ... -
Premium e-grocery: exploring value in logistics integrated service solutions
Bozkaya, B.; Kervenoael, R. de; Aykaç, Didem Selcen Öztürkcan (12.02.2009)E-grocery is gradually becoming viable or a necessity for many families. Yet, most e-supermarketsare seen as providers of low value “staple” and bulky goods mainly. While each store has a large number of SKU available, ... -
A review of timetabling and resource allocation models for light-rail transportation systems
This paper surveys the relevant operations research literature on timetabling and resource allocationproblems with a special attention paid to the transportation systems. The purpose of this review is to define the critical ... -
Social e-atmospherics in practice (or not): a French and Turkish web designers’ perspectives
Little is known about the development of social e- atmospherics. And yet, e-atmospherics havemotivated an emerging body of research which reports that both better layouts and‘recognized’ atmospherics encourage consumers ...
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