Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Investigation of corrosion in oil pipelines through surface nano-treatment
Corrosion is the unintentional and degradation of a material caused by the reaction of that material with its environment and a natural possible hazard correlated with gas and oil generation and transportation facilities. ...
Augmenting occupant thermal experience with cyber-physical-social systems : a case study on adaptive vents
Buildings use more than 30% of global energy, while 36% of this energy comes from direct combustion of fossil fuels. Hence, buildings constitute a considerable share of CO2 emissions and has a large contribution to climate ...
Cumhuriyet Savcısının etkin soruşturma yapma görevi
Çalışmamızın inceleme konusunu "Cumhuriyet Savcısının Etkin Soruşturma Yapma Görevi" oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda birinci bölümde; "etkinlik", "yeterlilik", "Cumhuriyet savcısı" gibi temel kavramlar öncelikle incelenmiştir. ...
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