Camiz, Alessandro2020-10-262020-10-262020-09978-3-924774-85-1 text analyzes the urban project for Zagarolo, which in the past had been mainly considered the work of different hands, and through a particular attention to building types and fabrics, to the hierarchy of paths in relation to the morphology of the site, to the measures and architectural models adopted, it describes its theatrical purposes also through the critical reading of contemporary architectural treatises. Urban transformation is here interpreted as part of a unitary scenographic design intervention based on the internal coherence of the adopted models. The dating is restricted to the period between 1571 and 1605 and its significance as a monumentalization of the city following the victory of Lepanto is reconstructed. By comparing it with other examples and through some documents, it is finally to attributed to the work of Carlo Maderno and Lorenzo Binago.itaCC0 1.0 UniversalopenAccess teatrali per l’ampliamento della città medievale. Il progetto urbano per Zagarolo (1571-1605)bookPart10019ArchitectureUrban morphologyUrban designHistory of architectureUrban history