Güngör, Beyza Şat2022-03-142022-03-142022-0110.5152/forestist.2021.21040http://hdl.handle.net/10679/7677Doganbey old village is a historic rural settlement that is located in the national park of Dilek Peninsula Buyuk Menderes Delta. The village reflects rural and unique landscape characteristics and units with both natural and human-influenced elements. The aim of this study is to determine floristic composition of the village and to confirm landscape characteristics by field study. As the methodology; empirical analyses were implemented to determine rural landscape characteristic units and plant species identification at the site. Both native and cultural plant species of the village were determined at the site. Results support the uniqueness of the village with its endemic plant species and its rural habitat. In conclusion; touristic potential of the village should be highlighted with a pro- environmental approach, and future implication or development plans should consider biodiversity conservation from the aspect of sustainability of the village.engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internationalhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Landscape characteristics and main plant species of floristic composition of Doğanbey old village in Aydınarticle7218896000742149500010Dilek Peninsula Buyuk Menderes Delta National ParkDoganbey old villageFloristic compositionVisual land-scape characteristics2-s2.0-85125913858