Fiş, Ahmet MuratÇetindamar, D.2022-09-202022-09-202021-012194-6175 paper explores the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and performance by developing a comprehensive theoretical model based on Schumpeterian understanding of entrepreneurship supported with the Theory of Planned Behavior from social psychology. The model shows how organizational culture (value) triggers a chain effect through its influence on entrepreneurial orientation (attitude) and managerial support (intentions) that ultimately generate impact on corporate entrepreneurship (behavior). We test our model in an emerging economy context and present our results with implications to theory and practice.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessUnlocking the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performanceArticle11100061246670000610.1515/erj-2018-0213Corporate entrepreneurshipEmerging economyEntrepreneurial orientationManagerial supportOrganizational culturePerformance2-s2.0-85072909620