Aminikashani, MohammadrezaUysal, Murat2016-02-162016-02-162012978-1-4673-0056-8 to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.In this paper, we investigate the outage performance of relay-assisted free-space optical (FSO) networks which build upon the combinations of serial and parallel relaying. We assume log-normal atmospheric turbulence channels and derive outage probability expressions for multi-hop parallel relaying scheme under consideration. Our outage probability analysis demonstrates substantial performance improvements with respect to both serial and parallel relaying.engrestrictedAccessOutage performance of FSO multi-hop parallel relayingconferenceObject1410.1109/SIU.2012.6204619Atmospheric turbulenceOptical linksProbabilityStatistical analysisTelecommunication network reliability2-s2.0-84863492234