Camiz, Alessandro2020-01-212020-01-212019-071227-0903 the publication of Norberg-Schulz’s book on Genius Loci in 1979 , the term Genius Loci became the logo of an anti-modern intellectual rebellion in search of deep meaning within the meanders of architecture and landscape, it became akin to a dragon banner raised in the crusade against the loss of memory generated by the modern movement. Such an interpretation, still deeply rooted within the generation of architects that graduated in those years, is nevertheless absolutely reductive, not only of the phenomenological message that Norberg-Schultz meant in those years, but above all has nothing to do with the genius loci, as intended in Roman times.engopenAccessCC0 1.0 Universal또 다른 장소의 정령 : 건축 경관 이론에 대한 기록Just Another Genius Loci: notes for a theory of landscape architecturearticle458175176Architectural theoryLandscape