First, we would like to thank you for your support in open access, contribution to Özyeğin University’s scholarly output and enhancing the scholarly communication by submitting your work to an open repository, eResearch@Ozyegin
In order to deposit a work in eResearch@Ozyegin, you must hold the copyright to that work, or have the approval of the copyright holder. If you retain copyright to the work in question, and have not given someone else exclusive rights to distribute it, you should be able to submit it to eResearch@Ozyegin. You can proceed to directly submit a paper to eResearch@Ozyegin. If you share the copyright with other authors, check with them to make sure they also approve of the work being archived and made available at eResearch@Ozyegin.
Özyeğin University authors have the right to exempt full text of their publications from having them available open access by declaring a reason (such as patents or national security etc.) as stated in the institutional policy document but in such case they have to provide its full text in the record with restricted access.
Publisher Open Access Policies
If the work is published and you have transferred your rights, you can still deposit a version of your paper in eResearch@Ozyegin. Many publishers allow a pre-print (not peer-reviewed) or peer-reviewed post-print (final draft and peer-reviewed, but not publishers' final PDF version) to be deposited in an institutional repository. To find out about the copyright policy of the publisher, check SHERPA/RoMEO directory. It will specify which of the versions can be put in a repository. If you cannot access publisher's self-archiving policy on SHERPA/RoMEO, you should communicate with the publisher directly. You can also ask for help from the library to do so.
Funding Organizations' Open Access Policies
Many funding organizations and agencies have policies that stipulate that scholarly authors need to deposit copies of their publications in an Open Access environment, such as an institutional repository or open research archive. You may see research funders' open access policies at SHERPA/ JULIET directory.
Retain your Rights
If you are submitting an article for publication and want to retain rights:
- It is possible to negotiate with publishers to retain some or all of your rights. At the very least, you should try to retain the right to self-archive a copy of your work in eResearch@Ozyegin.
- Consider retaining rights to your article by attaching the SPARC Addendum to your publisher's contract.
- Author's Rights, Tout de Suite(PDF), an essay by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. from the US Digital Scholarship site, is designed to give journal article authors a quick introduction to key aspects of author's rights and to foster further exploration of this topic though liberal use of relevant references to online documents and links to pertinent Web sites.
When you deposit your work, it grants specific nonexclusive permissions to Özyeğin University. You still retain ownership and complete control of the copyright in your writings, subject only to this prior permission. You can exercise your copyrights in any way you see fit, including transferring them to a publisher if you so desire. However, if you do so, Özyeğin University would still retain its license and the right to distribute the article from its repository.
Creative Commons Licenses
As a copyright owner, you can also license your work with open licenses, Creative Commons. Creative Commons licenses allow you to share your work in less restrictive ways than those imposed by copyright legislation while the user of your work can read the license immediately and make the use of it accordingly. Many universities and other institutions and government bodies have mandated that their works be licensed with Creative Commons or equivalent Open Access terms of use. Creative Commons is a 'some rights reserved' licensing system allowing creators to release their works in less restrictive ways than those imposed by copyright legislation. More about Creative Commons