Publication: Avrupa Birliği mülteci hukuku reformunda düzensiz göçmenlerin statüleri
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Göç tarihi insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. Homo sapiensten günümüz modern insanına değin en temel gayesi hayatta kalmak olan insanoğlu, kıt kaynaklara sahip dünyada sonsuz ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya çalışmıştır. Bunun sonucunda değişik nedenlerle -ekonomik, sosyal, doğal veya siyasi- insanlar, yaşadıkları toprakları zorunlu veya gönüllü olarak terk ederek, başka ülkelere göç etmektedirler. Kadim zamanlarda iç savaşlarla başlayan bu göç dalgası, yıllar geçtikçe uluslararası ve politik bir hal almıştır. Bu nedenle de göç ve mülteci hukuku günümüzde uluslararası hukukun en temel meselelerinden biri haline gelmiştir. Avrupa ülkeleri gelişmiş ekonomileri ve yüksek refah seviyeleri nedeniyle göçmenler için adeta bir cazibe merkezidir. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın ardından göçmenleri kalkınma sürecinin bir parçası olarak gören ve "açık kapı" politikası benimseyen Avrupa ülkeleri, 1970'li yıllarla beraber yaşanan ekonomik krizlerin etkisiyle sınırlarını göçmenlere kapatarak "kapalı kapı" dönemine geçmiştir. Schengen Antlaşması ile iç sınırların kaldırılması, güçlendirilmiş dış sınır kontrolleri şeklinde karşımıza çıkmaktadır. 11 Eylül saldırılarının ardından başta Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri olmak üzere tüm dünyanın "yabancı" ve "güvenlik" algısı değişmiştir. Saldırıların ardından düşman ceza hukukunun yarattığı psikolojik etkiyle toplanan ve değişen "yabancı" ve "güvenlik" algısı ile perçinlenen "istenmeyen" olma durumuna, AB'nin bulduğu en efektif çözüm geri kabul antlaşmalarıdır. Düzensiz göç sorunu geri kabul antlaşmaları ile, kaynak ve transit ülkelerle iş birliği yapılarak AB'nin iç sorunu haline gelmeden çözülmeye çalışılmıştır. Ancak artan bu güvenlik yaklaşımı ve zorlayıcı sınır politikaları nedeniyle uluslararası koruma arayan kişiler, düzensiz bir şekilde sınırları geçmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Tehlike arz eden bu yolculuklar esnasında Akdeniz ve Ege Denizi adeta bir ölüler denizi haline gelmiş bulunmaktadır. Bu durum geri göndermeme ilkesini tartışmalı hâle getirmektedir. Kişilerin statüsüne bakılmaksızın sadece insan olmasından ileri gelen birtakım hakları bulunmaktadır. Tüm devletler, insan hakları hukuku ve göç hukuku metinlerinde düzenlenen bu hakları yetki alanları altında olan herkese sağlamakla yükümlüdürler. Sığınma hakkı bağlamında tüm devletler, düzensiz göçmenlerin uluslararası koruma prosedürlerine erişimini sağlamalı ve göçmenleri düzensiz girişi nedeniyle cezalandırmamalıdır. Ancak AB ülkeleri, çeşitli nedenlerle kişilere sığınma hakkı sağlamak hususunda isteksiz davranmakta ve sınırlarını korumak amacıyla düzensiz göçmenlerin insan haklarına gereken saygıyı göstermemektedir. Birlik, sınırlarını ve "Avrupa" kimliğini korumak pahasına ayrımcılık yapmamak, eşitlik ve temel insan haklarına saygı gösterilmesi gibi temel değerlerine aykırı hareket etmekte ve önceliğini güvenliğe vermektedir. "Avrupa Birliği Mülteci Hukuku Reformunda Düzensiz Göçmenlerin Statüleri" başlıklı çalışma ile Avrupa Birliği'nin değişen göç politikalarının düzensiz göçmenlerin haklarını nasıl etkilediği açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın birinci bölümünde birçok bilim dalının göç olgusuyla ilgilenmesi ve hepsinin farklı perspektiften konuya yaklaşması nedeniyle oldukça benzer özellikler göstermesine rağmen bazı nüanslar barındıran göç kavramı ile göçe ilişkin temel kavramlar açıklanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra göçmenleri göçe iten nedenler, göç teorileri, göç hukukunun tarihsel gelişimi ve düzensiz göçmenliği besleyen göçmen kaçakçılığı suçuna da bu bölümde yer verilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde, birinci bölümde ele alınan göçün temel kavramları, nedenleri ve tarihsel gelişimi bilgilerinden yola çıkılarak Avrupa Birliği özelinde göç hukukunun esasları ve gelişimi konusu irdelenmiştir. Bu bölümde, Avrupa'nın yeniden yapılanma sürecinde benimsediği "açık kapı" politikası döneminden, göçmenleri adeta bir sorun olarak gören "kapalı kapı" döneminde değin göç ve göçmenlere yönelik yaklaşımı uluslararası antlaşmalar aracılığıyla incelenmiştir. Ayrıca bu bölümde Avrupa Birliği'nin ortak göç çalışmaları ile EURODAC, FRONTEX, EUROSUR gibi düzensiz göçmenleri önlemek amacıyla oluşturulan kurumlara da değinilmiştir. Avrupa Birliği'nin 2000'li yıllarda benimsediği politika ile artan düzensiz göç sorununa kaynak ve transit ülkeleri de dahil ederek çözüm yolu bulma süreci bölümde irdelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda geri kabul antlaşmaları ele alınmıştır. Tezin son bölümünde ise sığınma hakkı, sığınma hakkını teminat altına alan hukuki kaynaklar ve düzensiz göçmenlerin uluslararası koruma başvurusu sonuçlanana ve geri gönderilmesine değin sahip olduğu haklar uluslararası yargı kararları ışığında ele alınmıştır.
Migration dates back to the beginning of the history of humanity. Merely to survive, early, the Homo Sapiens and presently, modern human, have been seeking to fulfill their endless needs against the limited offerings of the Earth, which has been leading them to migrate to other places, either voluntarily or forcibly, and impelled by various factors such as economic, social, natural or political ones. Mostly internal and prompted by the basic motives throughout the ancient times, it is now of an international and political challenge, which asserts immigration and refugee law as one of the fundamental components of international law. European countries with their massive and developed economies, and high levels of welfare, have been a center of attraction for immigrants. Following the World War II, European countries considered immigrants as a part of their developmental movement and adopted an "open-door policy", however, retreated to "the closed-door policy" due to the economic depression arising in 1970s, which, later, constituted a policy on strict border controls while the mutual borders were abolished, with the Schengen Agreement. September 11 attacks drastically and severely changed global, and notably European countries' perception of foreigners and security. Alerted by the attacks and driven by the impulse of Feindstrafrecht, in the European Council of Seville in 2002, for the first time in the history of the European Councils, illegal immigration became an agenda item, and the presidency conclusion addressed the combat against illegal immigration specifically, under the Chapter, "Asylum and Immigration". For those considered "unwelcomed", an image having become more solid with the change in the perceptions of security and foreigners, readmission agreements were considered as the most effective solution by the Union. Through such agreements with countries of origin and transit, Union intended to proactively prevent illegal immigration from being an intra-Union matter. This strict security and border protection policy, on the other hand, have forced the asylum-seekers into illegal immigration. During such dangerous attempts, Mediterranean and Aegean Sea has become graveyards, and non-refoulement principle is disputed. Humans have fundamental rights regardless of their status, and all states are to act in exercise of such rights, regulated under international human rights and immigration laws, for those within their jurisdiction. As to the right to asylum, all states must ensure illegal immigrants can seek protection, and such immigrants must not be punished. However, Member States of the EU are reluctant to offer asylum and ignore and disrespect the fundamental rights of illegal immigrants, which they ground on the principles of "protecting the borders of the Union" as well as "conserving the European Identity" and give the precedence to security. This research on "Status Of Irregular Migrants In EU Asylum Law Reform" intends to study the impacts of the changing refugee policies of the European Union on the rights of illegal immigrants. In this respect, Chapter One attempts to define immigration and fundamental concepts thereof, which have similarities to those of other fields studying the phenomenon but are slightly different due to different perspectives. This Chapter also addresses motives of the immigrants, and theories and a evolution of migration law. Grounded on the fundamentals, motives and evolution discussed in Chapter One, Chapter Two addresses the foundations and evolutions of immigration law in the context of European Union. The Chapter analyzes the evolution of Europe, from the times of desperate measures, "the open-door policy" for immigrants during its consolidation, to "the closed-door policy", where immigrants are considered a problem and building a "European Fortress" is considered a must to protect the borders and compares this shift in Europe's approach in review of the scripts of conventions and protocols during that period. The Chapter further addresses the organizations such as EURODAC, FRONTEX and EUROSUR, formed to prevent illegal immigration. discusses the course of action determined by the Union's updates to its policies towards finding a cooperative solution to illegal immigration by involving the countries of origin and transit. In this respect, readmission agreements are addressed as well. This chapter also addresses the motives behind migration, the theories of migration, the historical course of migration law, as well as the migrant smuggling, a crime that facilitates irregular migration The Conclusion Chapter, which discusses the right to asylum as human right, addresses the right to asylum, the legal basis for seeking and right to asylum, and the right of illegal immigrants during the procedures for concluding their application for international protection and their return, in the light of international rulings.
Migration dates back to the beginning of the history of humanity. Merely to survive, early, the Homo Sapiens and presently, modern human, have been seeking to fulfill their endless needs against the limited offerings of the Earth, which has been leading them to migrate to other places, either voluntarily or forcibly, and impelled by various factors such as economic, social, natural or political ones. Mostly internal and prompted by the basic motives throughout the ancient times, it is now of an international and political challenge, which asserts immigration and refugee law as one of the fundamental components of international law. European countries with their massive and developed economies, and high levels of welfare, have been a center of attraction for immigrants. Following the World War II, European countries considered immigrants as a part of their developmental movement and adopted an "open-door policy", however, retreated to "the closed-door policy" due to the economic depression arising in 1970s, which, later, constituted a policy on strict border controls while the mutual borders were abolished, with the Schengen Agreement. September 11 attacks drastically and severely changed global, and notably European countries' perception of foreigners and security. Alerted by the attacks and driven by the impulse of Feindstrafrecht, in the European Council of Seville in 2002, for the first time in the history of the European Councils, illegal immigration became an agenda item, and the presidency conclusion addressed the combat against illegal immigration specifically, under the Chapter, "Asylum and Immigration". For those considered "unwelcomed", an image having become more solid with the change in the perceptions of security and foreigners, readmission agreements were considered as the most effective solution by the Union. Through such agreements with countries of origin and transit, Union intended to proactively prevent illegal immigration from being an intra-Union matter. This strict security and border protection policy, on the other hand, have forced the asylum-seekers into illegal immigration. During such dangerous attempts, Mediterranean and Aegean Sea has become graveyards, and non-refoulement principle is disputed. Humans have fundamental rights regardless of their status, and all states are to act in exercise of such rights, regulated under international human rights and immigration laws, for those within their jurisdiction. As to the right to asylum, all states must ensure illegal immigrants can seek protection, and such immigrants must not be punished. However, Member States of the EU are reluctant to offer asylum and ignore and disrespect the fundamental rights of illegal immigrants, which they ground on the principles of "protecting the borders of the Union" as well as "conserving the European Identity" and give the precedence to security. This research on "Status Of Irregular Migrants In EU Asylum Law Reform" intends to study the impacts of the changing refugee policies of the European Union on the rights of illegal immigrants. In this respect, Chapter One attempts to define immigration and fundamental concepts thereof, which have similarities to those of other fields studying the phenomenon but are slightly different due to different perspectives. This Chapter also addresses motives of the immigrants, and theories and a evolution of migration law. Grounded on the fundamentals, motives and evolution discussed in Chapter One, Chapter Two addresses the foundations and evolutions of immigration law in the context of European Union. The Chapter analyzes the evolution of Europe, from the times of desperate measures, "the open-door policy" for immigrants during its consolidation, to "the closed-door policy", where immigrants are considered a problem and building a "European Fortress" is considered a must to protect the borders and compares this shift in Europe's approach in review of the scripts of conventions and protocols during that period. The Chapter further addresses the organizations such as EURODAC, FRONTEX and EUROSUR, formed to prevent illegal immigration. discusses the course of action determined by the Union's updates to its policies towards finding a cooperative solution to illegal immigration by involving the countries of origin and transit. In this respect, readmission agreements are addressed as well. This chapter also addresses the motives behind migration, the theories of migration, the historical course of migration law, as well as the migrant smuggling, a crime that facilitates irregular migration The Conclusion Chapter, which discusses the right to asylum as human right, addresses the right to asylum, the legal basis for seeking and right to asylum, and the right of illegal immigrants during the procedures for concluding their application for international protection and their return, in the light of international rulings.