Publication: Türk hukukunda miras bırakanın muvazaalı işlemleri ve buna bağlanan hukuki sonuçlar
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Master's thesis
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Muvazaanın uygulamada en sık karşılaşılan türlerinden biri miras bırakan muvazaasıdır. İşlemin temelinin muvazaaya dayanması sebebiyle borçlar hukukunu, miras bırakan tarafından mirasçıları aldatarak onlardan mal kaçırılması gayesiyle yapılması ve tenkis davası ile kademeli olarak açılabilmesi sebebiyle miras hukukunu ve netice olarak yolsuz tescilin düzeltilmesine sebep olabilmesi sebebiyle de eşya hukukunu yakından ilgilendiren bu muvazaa türü mevzuatımızda doğrudan düzenlenmemiş olup, daha çok Yargıtay'ın içtihadı birleştirme kararlarına konu olmuştur. Bu tezin birinci bölümünde; miras bırakan muvazaası kavramının daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi için, muvazaanın tanımı, unsurları, türleri, muvazaalı işleme bağlanan hukuki sonuçlar ve muvazaanın benzer hukuki kavramlarla karşılaştırılması gibi başlıklar altında genel olarak muvazaa kavramı incelenmektedir. Tezin ikinci bölümünde miras bırakan muvazaası kavramı; tanımı, unsurları ve yapılmasına neden olan durum ve saikler başlıklarıyla genel olarak incelenmekte; sonrasında miras bırakan muvazaasının görünürdeki işlemi olarak karşılaşılabilecek işlem türleri olan satış sözleşmesi ve ölünceye kadar bakma sözleşmesi ile gizli işlemi olan bağışlama sözleşmesi ele alınmakta; ayrıca başkaca bazı işlemlerin miras bırakan muvazaası kapsamında değerlendirilip değerlendirilemeyecekleri de irdelenmektedir. Son bölümde ise, miras bırakan muvazaasının görünürdeki işlem bakımından ve gizli işlem bakımından hukuki sonuçları ayrı ayrı incelenmekte, akabinde ise miras bırakan muvazaasına karşı başvurulabilecek yasal yollar olan yolsuz tescilin düzeltilmesi davası, tenkis davası ve mirasın denkleştirilmesi davası ve bu davaların birbirleri ile ilişkileri ele alınmaktadır.
One of the most common types of the collusion in practice is the sham transaction of the deceased. Because the basis of this transaction is related to the collusion, it concerns the law of obligations. The sham transaction of the deceased also concerns the law of inheritance, since the purpose of the deceased is smuggling of goods by deceiving inheritors and the lawsuit can be filled with the action of reduction as an alternative pleading. Finally, because of the sham transaction of the deceased results in case of correction of wrongful entry, it concerns law of property as well. However, at this point, it needs to be pointed out that, the sham transaction of the deceased is not directly regulated in our legislation with a special provision, but it is the subject of the decisions on the unification of conflicting judgments of court of cassation. In the first part of this thesis, for better understanding the term of the sham transaction of the deceased, the concept of collusion is examined in general under the titles of the definition of collusion, its elements, types; the legal consequences connected with the collusion and the comparison of it with similar legal concepts. Afterwards, in the second part, the definition of the sham transaction of the deceased, its elements, situations and motives which lead to the sham transaction of the deceased is examined in general. Then, the contract of sale and the contract for lifelong support as the apparent transaction of the sham transaction of the deceased and the deed of gift as the secret transaction of the sham transaction of the deceased are examined. In addition, it is also pointed out that, whether some other transactions can be evaluated within the scope of the sham transaction of the deceased or not. Finally, in the last section, the legal consequences of the sham transaction of the deceased in terms of the apparent and secret transactions are examined separately. Then, as the legal remedies against the sham transaction of the deceased, the case of correction of wrongful entry, the action for reduction, the case of equalization of inheritance and the relationship of these cases with each other are analyzed.
One of the most common types of the collusion in practice is the sham transaction of the deceased. Because the basis of this transaction is related to the collusion, it concerns the law of obligations. The sham transaction of the deceased also concerns the law of inheritance, since the purpose of the deceased is smuggling of goods by deceiving inheritors and the lawsuit can be filled with the action of reduction as an alternative pleading. Finally, because of the sham transaction of the deceased results in case of correction of wrongful entry, it concerns law of property as well. However, at this point, it needs to be pointed out that, the sham transaction of the deceased is not directly regulated in our legislation with a special provision, but it is the subject of the decisions on the unification of conflicting judgments of court of cassation. In the first part of this thesis, for better understanding the term of the sham transaction of the deceased, the concept of collusion is examined in general under the titles of the definition of collusion, its elements, types; the legal consequences connected with the collusion and the comparison of it with similar legal concepts. Afterwards, in the second part, the definition of the sham transaction of the deceased, its elements, situations and motives which lead to the sham transaction of the deceased is examined in general. Then, the contract of sale and the contract for lifelong support as the apparent transaction of the sham transaction of the deceased and the deed of gift as the secret transaction of the sham transaction of the deceased are examined. In addition, it is also pointed out that, whether some other transactions can be evaluated within the scope of the sham transaction of the deceased or not. Finally, in the last section, the legal consequences of the sham transaction of the deceased in terms of the apparent and secret transactions are examined separately. Then, as the legal remedies against the sham transaction of the deceased, the case of correction of wrongful entry, the action for reduction, the case of equalization of inheritance and the relationship of these cases with each other are analyzed.