Publication: Analog clock tree synthesis
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Master's thesis
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Anahtarlamalı analog devrelerin (AAD) saat ağı tasarımı ciddi zaman gerektiren ve yongaların tekrar elden geçirilmesine sebep olabilecek hatalara açık, elle yapılan bir işlemdir. Bu probleme otomatik ya da yarı-otomatik bir çözüm getirmenin sektöre büyük katkısı olacaktır. Problemin dijital alandaki karşılığı olan saat ağı sentezinin otomasyonu mümkün olup, halihazırda bu işi yapan ticari yazılımlar bulunmaktadır. Bu durum, bizi problemin analog alandaki karşılığının otomasyonu üzerinde çalışmaya teşvik etti. Problemin analog hali dijital karşılığıyla benzer olmakla beraber bazı kilit noktalarda farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Dijital problemdeki amaç kaynak saat sinyalini sıfır kaykı ile binlerce noktaya iletmek iken, analog devrelerde hedef kaynak saat sinyalini yüzlerce noktaya bazı noktalar arasında bir miktar kaykı olacak şekilde iletmektir. Ayrıca analog tasarımda kaynak saat sinyalinin bölünmüş versiyonlarını üretip, bu üretilmiş sinyallerin kaykılarını kaynak saat sinyaline bağlı olarak sınırlandırmak da problemin bir parçası olabilir. Yaklaşımımız AAD saat ağı devre tasarımını hızlandırmakla kalmayıp, tasarımın tekrarına sebep olacak hataların oluşumunu da azaltmaktadır. Yaklaşımımızın bir faydası da devredeki saat yollarının simetrik ayarlanması için vakit harcamaya gerek kalmamasından dolayı analog devrenin tasarımının süresinin de kısalmasıdır. önerdiğimiz akış, gereksinim analizi, hedef belirleme, dizayn & sentez ve doğrulama adında dört aşamadan oluşmaktadır. İlk aşama olan gereksinim analizi, analog tasarımcı ile mülakat yaparak başlayıp, analog tasarımdan bazı fiziksel parametrelerin elde edilmesi ile devam edip, saat fazları ve bu fazlar arasındaki ilişkileri içeren bir listenin hazırlanmasıyla bitmektedir. Hedef belirleme isimli ikinci aşamada graf bazlı programlar kullanılmaktadır. Burada, özelleşmiş bir "en uzun yol" problemini birinci fazda elde edilen kısıtları sağlayan bir saat çizelgesi çıkarmak amacıyla etkin bir biçimde çözmekteyiz. Üçüncü aşamada saat devre sentezi problemini iç ve dış saat ağacı adında iki seviyeye ayırıp, bir önceki aşamada üretilen hedefleri otomatik olarak kullandığımız ticari saat ağı sentez yazılımına iletmekteyiz. Son aşama olan doğrulama aşamasında, ilk aşamada elde ettiğimiz zamanlama kısıtlarını sağlayıp sağlamadığımızı test etmekteyiz. Burada ayrıca devrenin etkin bit sayısı (EBS) gibi başarım ölçütlerini sağlayıp sağlamadığını kontrol etmek amacıyla SPICE simulasyonları da yapmaktayız. Vardığımız sonuç, önerdiğimiz akışın tasarım süresini önemli ölçüde azaltıp, hata ihtimalini oldukça azalttığı yönündedir. Akış sonucunda elde edilen EBS değerleri, akışı test tasarımımıza (10-bit 0.18 mikron 2-basamaklı farksal girişli 60 MSps Flash ADC) uyguladığımızda elimizdeki zaman kısıtları altında elde edebileceğimiz en olası EBS değerlerine oldukça yakın olduğumuzu göstermektedir. Son olarak, önerdiğimiz akışın üç fazını (üçüncü faz olan dizayn & sentez hariç) elle yapılan saat ağı tasarımında kullandığımız takdirde, elle yapılan tasarımı da daha sistematik, hızlı ve hataya toleranslı hale getirebildiğimizi (yarı-otomatik akış) belirtmeliyiz.
Design of clock distribution circuits for Sampled Data Analog Circuits (SDACs), is a manual process that takes serious work hours and is susceptible to errors that cause silicon respins. Providing an automatic or even a semi-automatic solution to this problem will benefit the industry greatly. The equivalent problem in the digital domain, named clock tree synthesis, is fully automated, and there are commercial software that handle it. This encouraged us to work on an automated flow for the analog problem. The analog version of the problem is similar to the digital version but there are key differences. While the goal in the digital problem is to distribute a source clock to thousands of end points with zero skew, the analog problem aims to distribute a source clock to a few hundred points with deliberate skew between some end points. In the analog problem, sometimes generating divided versions of the source clock and constraining their skew with respect to the source clock may also be part of the problem. Our approach not only speeds up the design of clock circuits for SDACs but also reduces the chances of a respin. As an added benefit, it speeds up the design of analog circuit as the designer does not need to spend time to make sure the clock routes are symmetric inside the analog design. Our proposed flow has four phases, namely, requirements analysis, target determination, design \& synthesis, and verification. The first phase, requirements analysis, starts by interviewing the designer, continues with extraction of some physical parameters from the analog design, and results with a list of clock phases and timing constraints between them. The second phase of target determination has several graph-oriented tools. In this phase, we solve a specialized longest path problem efficiently to come up with a schedule of clock edges as a result that satisfies the constraints discovered in the first phase. In the third phase, we break up the clock circuit synthesis problem into two levels, namely, intrinsic and extrinsic clock trees, and drive a commercial clock tree synthesis software in an automated fashion with targets produced in the previous phase. The last phase is verification, in which we check to see if we satisfied the timing constraints we put together in the first phase. In this phase, we also do SPICE simulations and check if the circuit as a whole has acceptable figures of merit such as effective number of bits (ENOB). The conclusion is that our flow saves considerable design time and makes it less error-prone. The ENOBs obtained after our flow, when the flow is applied to a particular test design (a 10-bit 0.18 micron 2-step differential input 60 MSps Flash ADC), show that with this flow we are able to achieve ENOBs that are quite close to the best possible ENOBs under the given timing constraints. Last not but least, we have to mention that three phases of our flow (except the third one, design \& synthesis) can be used with a manual clock tree design approach to make it more systematic, hence faster and less error-prone (i.e., the semi-automatic flow).
Design of clock distribution circuits for Sampled Data Analog Circuits (SDACs), is a manual process that takes serious work hours and is susceptible to errors that cause silicon respins. Providing an automatic or even a semi-automatic solution to this problem will benefit the industry greatly. The equivalent problem in the digital domain, named clock tree synthesis, is fully automated, and there are commercial software that handle it. This encouraged us to work on an automated flow for the analog problem. The analog version of the problem is similar to the digital version but there are key differences. While the goal in the digital problem is to distribute a source clock to thousands of end points with zero skew, the analog problem aims to distribute a source clock to a few hundred points with deliberate skew between some end points. In the analog problem, sometimes generating divided versions of the source clock and constraining their skew with respect to the source clock may also be part of the problem. Our approach not only speeds up the design of clock circuits for SDACs but also reduces the chances of a respin. As an added benefit, it speeds up the design of analog circuit as the designer does not need to spend time to make sure the clock routes are symmetric inside the analog design. Our proposed flow has four phases, namely, requirements analysis, target determination, design \& synthesis, and verification. The first phase, requirements analysis, starts by interviewing the designer, continues with extraction of some physical parameters from the analog design, and results with a list of clock phases and timing constraints between them. The second phase of target determination has several graph-oriented tools. In this phase, we solve a specialized longest path problem efficiently to come up with a schedule of clock edges as a result that satisfies the constraints discovered in the first phase. In the third phase, we break up the clock circuit synthesis problem into two levels, namely, intrinsic and extrinsic clock trees, and drive a commercial clock tree synthesis software in an automated fashion with targets produced in the previous phase. The last phase is verification, in which we check to see if we satisfied the timing constraints we put together in the first phase. In this phase, we also do SPICE simulations and check if the circuit as a whole has acceptable figures of merit such as effective number of bits (ENOB). The conclusion is that our flow saves considerable design time and makes it less error-prone. The ENOBs obtained after our flow, when the flow is applied to a particular test design (a 10-bit 0.18 micron 2-step differential input 60 MSps Flash ADC), show that with this flow we are able to achieve ENOBs that are quite close to the best possible ENOBs under the given timing constraints. Last not but least, we have to mention that three phases of our flow (except the third one, design \& synthesis) can be used with a manual clock tree design approach to make it more systematic, hence faster and less error-prone (i.e., the semi-automatic flow).