Publication: Seri elastik eyleyiciler için mekanik tasarım süreçleri
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Bu makalede tork kontrollü robot eklem tahriki için robotik literatüründe sıkça tercih edilen seri elastik eyleyici (SEE) üniteleri için geliştirilen tasarım süreçleri konu edilmiştir. Bilgisayar destekli tasarım ve benzetim çalışmalarının anlamlı bir bütünlük teşkil edecek şekilde entegrasyonunu içeren bu süreçlerin çıktıları ayrıca deneysel çalışmalar ile de sınanmış olup ünitenin en kritik parçası olan burulma yayı üzerinde önemle durulmuştur. SEE ünitesinin ilk sürümünde karşılaşılan zorluklar deneysel çalışmalar ışığında paylaşılmış ve robotik sistemlerin tahrikine hazır ikinci sürüm ile ilgili sonuçlar ile makale sonlandırılmıştır.
This article presents the mechanical design procedures that were devised for the development of series elastic actuators (SEA), a type of actuators that enable joint level torque control of robots. These procedures include the synergistic combination of studies that were conducted via simulation and CAD software whose outcomes were experimentally verified, with a special emphasis on the torsional spring, the most crucial element in the unit. Technical difficulties and shortcomings that were encountered in the first version of the actuator are disclosed with the help of experimental data. The article is concluded with the results from the ready-to-use 2nd version of SEA.
This article presents the mechanical design procedures that were devised for the development of series elastic actuators (SEA), a type of actuators that enable joint level torque control of robots. These procedures include the synergistic combination of studies that were conducted via simulation and CAD software whose outcomes were experimentally verified, with a special emphasis on the torsional spring, the most crucial element in the unit. Technical difficulties and shortcomings that were encountered in the first version of the actuator are disclosed with the help of experimental data. The article is concluded with the results from the ready-to-use 2nd version of SEA.
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