Browsing Aviation Management Program by Document Type "Article"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Airport mobile internet an innovation
(Elsevier, 2016-08)This paper studies the adoption of mobile Internet by airports. Using a new theoretical model, the study tests whether early adopters of mobile Internet for airports can be considered real innovators. Seventy-five international ... -
Analysis of Turkey’s airport network structure and centrality in the opening-out period after the first wave of COVID-19: A complex network approach
(Elsevier, 2022-12)There are a few studies present analyzing air transport structures of the countries, regions, and the world by using complex network theory. Although Turkey has a complex air network with 56 airports, thorough research has ... -
Applying deep learning models to twitter data to detect airport service quality
(Elsevier, 2021-03)Measuring airport service quality (ASQ) is an important process for identifying shortages and suggesting improvements that guide management decisions. This research, introduces a general framework for measuring ASQ using ... -
Bringing new customs to an old village: rhetorical legitimation strategies in a peripheral country
(Anadolu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2024-03-25)Actors' efforts against surrounding institutional pressures to pursue legitimacy are critical. Although scholars have mainly focused on the importance of gaining legitimacy, little is known about the context-specific ... -
Centrality and connectivity analysis of the European airports: a weighted complex network approach
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-02-23)This study aims to reveal the structure of the European Airport Network (EAN) using concepts from complex network theory by utilising 2019 passenger data collected from Eurostat. Initially, the EAN was explored by computing ... -
Drivers and barriers in the diversification of airline business models in Turkey (1980-2020): An institutional logic perspective
(Ege Academic Review, 2023-07)The primary objective of this study is to explore the diversification of airline business models in Turkey in four decades and show the reasons and logic behind the diversification from the institutional logic perspective. ... -
The effect of COVID‐related EU state aid on the level playing field for airlines
(MDPI, 2022-02)State aid for airlines around the world has been a common practice during the COVID‐19 pandemic, as the air transport was one of the sectors most heavily affected. This study analyzes 27 cases of state aid to EU airlines ... -
An evaluation of airport service experience: An identification of service improvement opportunities based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis
(Elsevier, 2022-06)With the increase in airport alternatives and airport service variation, passengers' perception of the airport experience has changed. By working with consumer experience through customer reviews, this study aims to define ... -
Existing barriers and suggested solutions for dealing with air passengers with specific access requirements: A systematic literature review
(Elsevier, 2024-03)This paper reviews the existing literature concerned with air passengers with specific access requirements, often referred as passengers with disabilities (PwDs) or passengers with reduced mobility (PRMs). While accessibility ... -
Exploring strategic choices of airlines: A study in Turkish air transport industry
(Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2021-12-01)Inter-firm competition in the field of aviation, which accelerates through liberalisation and globalisation trends, has been investigated by numerous studies in the post-deregulation era; however, it has not been adequately ... -
An extended single-valued neutrosophic AHP and MULTIMOORA method to evaluate the optimal training aircraft for flight training organizations
(2021)Aircraft’s training is crucial for a flight training organization (FTO). Therefore, an important decision that these organizations should wisely consider the choice of aircraft to be bought among many alternatives. The ... -
The gap between academy and industry - A qualitative study in Turkish aviation context
(Elsevier, 2019-08)Following the rapid growth of aviation industry in Turkey, the number of universities offering aviation management programs and enrolled students have substantially increased. The aim of these programs is to meet the demand ... -
Gender in the cockpit: Challenges faced by female airline pilots
(Elsevier, 2020-07)Despite the increasing number of female pilots in recent years, the aviation industry is still considered a male-dominated one. Being underrepresented in an occupation and working in an industry with masculine discourses ... -
Havacılıkta kümelenme anlayışı ve Eskişehir havacılık kümelenmesi örneği
(Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2014)Kümelenme yaklaşımı, spesifik sektörel ağ yapılanmalarının oluştuğu, nitelikli insan kaynağı ile kaliteli girdiler gibi kritik kaynaklarla desteklenmiş ve sektörle ilgili Ar-Ge altyapısı ve kültürünün olduğu bölgesel ... -
Innovation at airports: A systematic literature review (2000–2019)
(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2021-09-29)Airports operate in a highly-competitive and challenging environment. Therefore, in order to remain competitive, innovation is imperative for airports. This paper aims to conduct academic research into innovation at airports ... -
Institutional factors influencing business models: The case of Turkish Airlines
(Elsevier, 2021-03)The aim of this study is to explain the evolution of the business model of Turkish Airlines, which has been operating in the air passenger transportation organizational field in Turkey since 1933. In line with this aim, a ... -
Nuri Demirağ'ın bir girişimci olarak ortaya çıkışı, yükselişi ve düşüşü: Makro-kurumsal yaklaşım bağlamında tarihsel bir inceleme
(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2020)Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin ilk girişimcilerinden Nuri Demirağ, sigara kâğıdı üretimi, kurşun kalem üretimi, demiryolu inşaatı, fabrika inşaatı, maden işletmeciliği, uçak üretimi ve havacılık eğitimi alanlarında yaptığı ... -
The role of travel patterns in airport duty-free shopping satisfaction: a case study from an Australian regional airport
(Elsevier, 2019-09)Shopping can be one of the primary motivations for tourism, and commercial revenues are becoming an indispensable source of income for airports. Understanding airport shoppers' satisfaction is thus becoming increasingly ... -
Social media as a resource for sentiment analysis of Airport Service Quality (ASQ)
(Elsevier, 2019-07)User generated content (UGC) is providing new broad information datasets about airport service quality (ASQ) that are more easily available to researchers than information gathered using traditional techniques, such as ... -
The voice of the consumer on sVoD systems during covid-19: A service opportunity mining approach
(Inst Superior Entre Douro & Vouga, 2022-01)Electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) is a vital channel for the exchange of customer-generated content. As the e-WOM messages created by consumers pile all around the Web, they generate an unbiased voice about products and ...
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