Browsing Computer Science by OzU Authors "Sözer, Hasan"
Now showing items 1-20 of 79
Adaptive domain-specific service monitoring
Ünsal, A. A.; Sazara, G.; Aktemur, Tankut Barış; Sözer, Hasan (Springer Science+Business Media, 2014)We propose an adaptive and domain-specific service monitoring approach to detect partner service errors in a cost-effective manner. Hereby, we not only consider generic errors such as file not found or connection timed ... -
ADVISOR: An adjustable framework for test oracle automation of visual output systems
Genç, A. E.; Sözer, Hasan; Kıraç, Mustafa Furkan; Aktemur, Tankut Barış (IEEE, 2020-09)Test oracles differentiate between the correct and incorrect system behavior. Automation of test oracles for visual output systems mainly involves image comparison, where a snapshot of the output is compared with respect ... -
Aktör tabanlı sistemler için test kapsama kriterleri
Sözer, Hasan; Gürler, O.; Yılmaz, O. (CEUR-WS, 2018)Aktör tabanlı sistemler, eşzamanlı çalışan ve birbirleri ile asenkron bir şekilde haberleşen aktör isimli otonom elemanlardan oluşmaktadırlar. Asenkron haberleşme sebebiyle aktörler arasında paylaşılan mesajların sıralaması ... -
An approach for detecting inconsistencies between behavioral models of the software architecture and the code
Çıracı, S.; Sözer, Hasan; Tekinerdogan, B. (IEEE, 2012)In practice, inconsistencies between architectural documentation and the code might arise due to improper implementation of the architecture or the separate, uncontrolled evolution of the code. Several approaches have been ... -
An architecture viewpoint for modeling dynamically configurable software systems
Tekinerdogan, B.; Sözer, Hasan (Elsevier, 2017-01-01)Current software systems are rarely static and need to be able to change their topology and behavior to the changing context. To support the communication among stakeholders, guide the design decisions, and analyze the ... -
Automated classification of static code analysis alerts: a case study
Yüksel, Ulaş; Sözer, Hasan (IEEE, 2013)Static code analysis tools automatically generate alerts for potential software faults that can lead to failures. However, developers are usually exposed to a large number of alerts. Moreover, some of these alerts are ... -
Automated defect prioritization based on defects resolved at various project periods
Gökçeoğlu, M.; Sözer, Hasan (Elsevier, 2021-09)Defect prioritization is mainly a manual and error-prone task in the current state-of-the-practice. We evaluated the effectiveness of an automated approach that employs supervised machine learning. We used two alternative ... -
Automated extraction of feature models from android based portable devices
Yildirim, İ.; Sözer, Hasan (IEEE, 2017)Domain analysis is an essential activity in software product line engineering to identify common and variable features among the products of a product family. Feature models are commonly used for depicting the identified ... -
Automated procedure clustering for reverse engineering PL/SQL programs
Altınışık, M.; Sözer, Hasan (ACM, 2016)PL/SQL programs are mainly composed of procedures that interact with a database. These procedures are grouped into packages at the architecture design level for increasing modularity and maintainability. However, the ... -
Automated refinement of models for model-based testing using exploratory testing
Şahin Gebizli, Ceren; Sözer, Hasan (Springer International Publishing, 2017-09)Model-based testing relies on models of the system under test to automatically generate test cases. Consequently, the effectiveness of the generated test cases depends on models. In general, these models are created manually, ... -
Automated testing of systems of systems
Akat, Özge; Sözer, Hasan (Springer, 2023)There are various kinds of software applications like mobile and Web applications. These applications have different types of user interfaces and user interaction methods. Hence, test automation tools are either dedicated ... -
Automated Web application testing driven by pre-recorded test cases
Sunman, Nezih; Soydan, Yiğit; Sözer, Hasan (Elsevier, 2022-11)There are fully automated approaches proposed for Web application testing. These approaches mainly rely on tools that explore an application by crawling it. The crawling process results in a state transition model, which ... -
Automatically learning usage behavior and generating event sequences for black-box testing of reactive systems
Kıraç, Mustafa Furkan; Aktemur, Tankut Barış; Sözer, Hasan; Gebizli, C. Ş. (The ACM Digital Library, 2019-06)We propose a novel technique based on recurrent artificial neural networks to generate test cases for black-box testing of reactive systems. We combine functional testing inputs that are automatically generated from a model ... -
Availability analysis of software architecture decomposition alternatives for local recovery
Sözer, Hasan; Stoelinga, M.; Boudali, H.; Aksit, M. (2017)We present an efficient and easy-to-use methodology to predict—at design time—the availability of systems that support local recovery. Our analysis techniques work at the architectural level, where the software designer ... -
Black-box test case selection by relating code changes with previously fixed defects
Çıngıl, T.; Sözer, Hasan (ACM, 2022-06)Software continuously changes to address new requirements and to fix defects. Regression testing is performed to ensure that the applied changes do not adversely affect existing functionality. The increasing number of test ... -
Coevolution index: A metric for tracking evolutionary coupling
Yapıcı, H.; Sözer, Hasan (IEEE, 2023)This paper proposes a new metric, namely the coevolution index (CEI), for measuring the relative evolutionary coupling of modules of a software system. CEI is inspired by the h-index, which is a popular metric used for ... -
Combining model-based and risk-based testing for effective test case generation
Şahin Gebizli, C.; Metin, D.; Sözer, Hasan (IEEE, 2015)Model-based testing employs models of the system under test to automatically generate test cases. In this paper, we propose an iterative approach, in which these models are refined based on the principles of risk-based ... -
Composing domain-specific physical models with general-purpose software modules in embedded control software
Roo, A. de; Sözer, Hasan; Akşit, M. (Springer Science+Business Media, 2014-02)A considerable portion of software systems today are adopted in the embedded control domain. Embedded control software deals with controlling a physical system, and as such models of physical characteristics become part ... -
Cost minimization for deploying serverless functions
Sedefoğlu, Ö.; Sözer, Hasan (ACM, 2021-03)The costs of serverless functions increase proportional to the amount of memory reserved on the deployed server. However, increasing the amount of memory decreases the function execution time, which is also a factor that ... -
DAPNA: an architectural framework for data processing networks
Sözer, Hasan; Nouta, S.; Wombacher, A.; Perona, P. (Springer Science+Business Media, 2013)A data processing network is as a set of (software) components connected through communication channels to apply a series of operations on data. Realization and maintenance of large-scale data processing networks necessitate ...
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