Browsing Industrial Design by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Kamusal tuvaletlerde kullanıcı deneyimini anlamak: bir araştırma yöntemi olarak kültür sondaları
(Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, 2015)Gündelik yaşamın önemli bir parçası olan kamusal tuvaletlerin koşulları bu tesisleri sürekli kullananların yaşam kalitelerini belirgin ölçüde etkilemektedir. Kullanıcılar kamusal tuvaletlerde yer alan ürünlere konut ... -
Characterizing industrial design education in Turkey: a current synthesis for future directions
(Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2015-06-26)In recent years, we see an expansion of schools offering degrees at different levels in the field of industrial design in Turkey. Reasons for this expansion can well be found outside the design field itself as well as the ... -
The role of interaction design in smart product development activities
(2015-10)Although interaction design is a rapidly growing and even evolving design practice today, interaction designers still often have to explain what an interaction designer actually does and argue that their specialty is not ... -
Existential antagonisms: Boundary work and the professional ideology of Turkish industrial designers
(MIT Press, 2016)Industrial design (ID) is a fairly young and largely unknown profession in Turkey. Although significant developments have taken place in the field of ID in the past 15 years, the scope of scholarly attempts to analyze the ... -
Ahlak dışı nesneler: Ulus’ta kentsel dönüşümün bir psikocoğrafyası
(Vehbi Koç Ankara Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (VEKAM), 2016-09-25)Bir zamanlar genç Cumhuriyet'in siyasi ve ekonomik merkezi olan Ankara'daki Ulus semti, kentin hem cumhuriyetçi hem de manevi geleneklerine ev sahipliği yapmayı sürdürmektedir. Önce gecekondularla sarılmış, sonrasında ... -
Designing on the spot: Learning from the social design projects in Gökçeada/Imbros island
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-28)Design for social innovation is the emerging movement of the 21st century. Nonetheless, the socioeconomic impact of social design projects is conditional upon their multifaceted conception and upon their array of influence. ... -
Facebook as a boundary object in industrial design studio. A sotl study
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-28)We introduced Facebook groups as instructional tools in our industrial design studio courses. One of us experienced the effects of Facebook on freshmen while the other examined it with sophomores and juniors. Our analysis ... -
User, research, and practice. learning from design consultancies
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-28)This paper reports a study that focuses on the impact of design research department on a consultancy's design process. Six 10-business-day long field studies were conducted at design consultancies representing architecture, ... -
Growth of undergraduate education in design in the united states, 1988–2012
(IEEE, 2017-10-03)As part of a larger project that analyzes disciplinary and interdisciplinary growth in the United States, this article quantitatively investigates the expansion of undergraduate education in design at four-year colleges ... -
A co-authorship analysis of product and industrial design education literature, 2000-2015
(The Design Society, 2018)Today, collaboration is the norm rather than exception in scholarly publications. Through coauthorship scholars can increase the volume and quality of their scientific output. Utilising these networks, they establish ... -
Adaptation to internet-based services by seniors in Turkey
(The Design Society, 2018)The motivation of this article is to analyze and define the barriers and opportunities in senior people’s adaptation to the Internet-based services in Turkey. Digitalization has emerged in developed countries where people’s ... -
Students’ product perception: a cross-sectional analysis
(The Design Society, 2018)This paper reports a study that was conducted to analyze the differences in product design students’ perception of products. While product perception is reported as one of the competencies of product design students, our ... -
Creative problem-solving assessment and product design education
(The Design Society, 2018)This study reports findings from the administration of Creative Engineering Design Assessment (CEDA) to product design. The aim is to assess the applicability of CEDA in this discipline for the analysis of students’ level ... -
The machineries of user knowledge production
(Elsevier, 2018-01)A multiple case study was conducted to investigate the machineries of designers' user knowledge production at six design consultancies in the Northwestern USA in domains of architecture, industrial design, and interaction ... -
Collaboration in design research: An analysis of co-authorship in 13 design research journals, 2000–2015
(Taylor & Francis, 2019)This paper utilizes social network analysis and multivariate statistical methods to quantitatively analyse co-authorship patterns between 2000 and 2015 in 13 influential design research journals. The results indicate that ... -
Industrial design education in the age of digital products
(Taylor & Francis, 2019)Preparing product design students for the design of digital products provides a challenge for product design educators. This paper reports an experiment in a senior-year product design studio course. Students were ... -
Intra‐organizational user‐centred design practices: The impact of design research departments at design consultancies
(Wiley, 2019-12-18)The user is a critical factor in design and innovation. Firms experiment with different approaches to involving the user in design processes, which results in new forms of intra- and extra-organizational collaboration. The ... -
Riding a long green wave: interdisciplinary environmental sciences and studies in higher education
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)What accounts for the remarkable growth of environmental sciences and studies (ESS) in US higher education over the past 50 years? This paper focuses on institutional characteristics to explain this 'long green wave' of ... -
Change in industrial designers’ jobs: The case of Turkey, 1984-2018
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-08-21)This paper examines the change in the forms of employment of industrial designers between 1984 and 2018 in Turkey. The empirical data come from the graduates of the four oldest industrial design departments in the country. ... -
Raising the responsible child: collaborative work in the use of activity trackers for children
(Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2020-10-14)Commercial activity trackers are increasingly being designed for children as young as 3 years old. However, we have limited understanding of family use practices around these trackers. To provide an overall view of how ...
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