Browsing Industrial Design by Title
Now showing items 23-34 of 34
The machineries of user knowledge production
(Elsevier, 2018-01)A multiple case study was conducted to investigate the machineries of designers' user knowledge production at six design consultancies in the Northwestern USA in domains of architecture, industrial design, and interaction ... -
Medicalised masculinities in Turkey and Iran: The eigensinn of hair in hair transplantation
(Edinburgh University Press, 2021-04)Growing cultural enthusiasm for cosmetic surgery and the techno-medical modification of the body have had a considerable impact on men in recent years making it the driving force behind the medicalisation of masculinities ... -
Populist influences on design: Mediation of a new designer profile in Turkish advertising discourse
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-12)Aiming to illustrate the populist influences on design mediation, this paper explores the characteristics of a new and legitimate designer profile, persona, or myth recently constructed within the Turkish advertising ... -
Raising the responsible child: collaborative work in the use of activity trackers for children
(Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2020-10-14)Commercial activity trackers are increasingly being designed for children as young as 3 years old. However, we have limited understanding of family use practices around these trackers. To provide an overall view of how ... -
Riding a long green wave: interdisciplinary environmental sciences and studies in higher education
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)What accounts for the remarkable growth of environmental sciences and studies (ESS) in US higher education over the past 50 years? This paper focuses on institutional characteristics to explain this 'long green wave' of ... -
The role of interaction design in smart product development activities
(2015-10)Although interaction design is a rapidly growing and even evolving design practice today, interaction designers still often have to explain what an interaction designer actually does and argue that their specialty is not ... -
Students’ product perception: a cross-sectional analysis
(The Design Society, 2018)This paper reports a study that was conducted to analyze the differences in product design students’ perception of products. While product perception is reported as one of the competencies of product design students, our ... -
A study on the adoption of virtual reality in industrial design education
(IEEE, 2023-12-01)Virtual reality (VR) technology has been commercially and economically accessible to industrial designers for the past seven years, following the introduction of VR glasses and headsets, e.g., the HTC Vive and the Oculus ... -
Studying children's manipulative gestures in spatial puzzle play with VR hand tracking: Analysis of goal-directed actions
(ACM, 2022-12-01)This paper presents insights about children's manipulative gestures in a spatial puzzle play (i.e. tangram) in both real and virtual environments. We present our initial work with 11 children (aged between 7 and 14) and ... -
Transdisciplinarity as a learning challenge: Student experiences and outcomes in an innovative course on wearable and collaborative robotics
Contribution: This study provides evidence for the benefit of short online courses for transdisciplinary competence development of graduate students. It shows the significant challenges students face while learning, and ... -
User, research, and practice. learning from design consultancies
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-28)This paper reports a study that focuses on the impact of design research department on a consultancy's design process. Six 10-business-day long field studies were conducted at design consultancies representing architecture, ... -
What is the role of interaction design of triangulation elements in encouraging citizens towards social interaction?
(Springer, 2022)Urban public spaces set the conditions for social life, becoming familiar with other inhabitants and the rhythms of the city, assigning meanings, everyday individual and collective experience and actions develop social ...
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