Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Modelli teatrali per l’ampliamento della città medievale. Il progetto urbano per Zagarolo (1571-1605)
(Steinhäuser Verlag, Wuppertal, 2020-09)
The text analyzes the urban project for Zagarolo, which in the past had been mainly considered the work of different hands, and through a particular attention to building types and fabrics, to the hierarchy of paths in ...
Interrupted cities: l’interruzione come strumento compositivo
(Di Baio editore, Milano, 2020-07)
Interrupted cities is an international research project that we started2020 three years ago together with Tom Rankin, Giorgio Verdiani and Paolo Pineschi. The project was titled as an evident homage to Piero Sartogo's Roma ...
The chain tower in Kyrenia’s harbour, Cyprus
(Universidad de Granada, Universitat Politècnica de València, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, 2020-05)
In the Middle Ages a chain suspended between two towers defended the entrance of Kyrenia’s little harbour, like the chain across the Golden Horn in Constantinople. William de Oldenburg, who visited Cyprus in 1211 during ...
The so-called “beach tower” of Kyrenia city walls, Cyprus
(Granada: Universidad de Granada, Universitat Politècnica de València, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, 2020-05-05)
The so-called “beach-tower” is the smallest of the three remaining towers belonging to the Kyrenia’s medieval enceinte. Semi-circular in plan, with circa 6 m of diameter, the tower is today partially obliterated by the ...
Galata waterfont: models, types, and the morphology of meaning in architecture
(LetteraVentidue, Siracusa, 2020)
“Ars simia natura” (Boccaccio, 1360) is a concept that has cut in two the history of the arts. Hence the modern figurative revolution the misunderstanding of this notion it has depleted architecture to a mere branch of the ...
Shifting point-attractors: the central-symmetric flexi of via Flaminia and via Clodia near pons Milvius, Rome
(U+D editions, Rome, 2020)
Recent urban morphology studies consider urban tissues as living organisms changing in time (Strappa, Carlotti, and Camiz, 2016), moreover even roads may be considered as organisms, and their diachronic deformations have ...
La partizione iugerale del suolo agricolo per il progetto del paesaggio archeologico degli acquedotti Aniensi
(Edizioni Istituto Alcide Cervi, Gattatico (RE), 2020)
Here we present an example of circular subsidiarity applied to cultural heritage: it is a research launched as an action of the Agenda 21 of the Province of Rome and later developed as an experimentation of participation ...
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