Browsing Faculty of Architecture and Design by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 282
Acoustical comfort in office buildings
(Global Science and Technology Forum, 2019)This paper aims to provide insight to decision makers such as designers, facility managers and renovators of office buildings on how office occupants perceive acoustical comfort. In the first step, a detailed literature ... -
Adaptation to internet-based services by seniors in Turkey
(The Design Society, 2018)The motivation of this article is to analyze and define the barriers and opportunities in senior people’s adaptation to the Internet-based services in Turkey. Digitalization has emerged in developed countries where people’s ... -
Ahlak dışı nesneler: Ulus’ta kentsel dönüşümün bir psikocoğrafyası
(Vehbi Koç Ankara Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (VEKAM), 2016-09-25)Bir zamanlar genç Cumhuriyet'in siyasi ve ekonomik merkezi olan Ankara'daki Ulus semti, kentin hem cumhuriyetçi hem de manevi geleneklerine ev sahipliği yapmayı sürdürmektedir. Önce gecekondularla sarılmış, sonrasında ... -
The album of the world emperor: Cross-cultural collecting and the art of album-making in seventeenth-century Istanbul
(İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi, 2021)N/A -
The analysis of a paediatric treatment environment in the context of nurses' and companions’ behaviours through space syntax and behaviour maps
(2021-12-02)Pediatric treatment environments are settings that should be designed in a child-centered spatial manner that treats the child as a holistic entity with his/her physical, cognitive, social, and psychological needs. According ... -
Analysis of behavioural patterns of children and their companions in a paediatric healthcare environment: searching the association between behaviour maps and space syntax
(Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, 2017)The relationship between human psychology and space is studied through an ecological approach by Barker (1968) concerning that the harmony between human behaviours and physical and social attributes of space is dependent ... -
Analysis of behavioural processes in cultural centres through concepts of configuration and time: A three building comparison in Istanbul
(Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, 2023)Cultural centres have changed throughout history in terms of their configuration and usage. Changing design approaches, socio-cultural patterns, technical improvements, and user demands have also changed the usage, content, ... -
Analysis of the creativity development and assessment of architectural design education: A case study of basic design studio
(IOP Publishing, 2019)Basic design education retains its seminal role in most of the architectural curricula today. Having the primary goal of getting acquainted students with knowledge and skills of design basics, basic design education supports ... -
Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi’nin duyulmamış tarihi
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2014)Tarih boyunca toplumsal bellek ve karşı bellek birbiri ile mücadele halindedir. Farklı iktidar ve bilgi ilişkilerinin anlatılarına göre yeniden inşa edilen tarih, toplumsal belleğin, yani bir toplumun neyi hatırlayıp ... -
Anti-vaccination in the post-truth era: Who will we trust?
(IGI Global, 2023-12-18)Science denialism, or the decline/loss of trust in scientific knowledge, is related to losing the value of truth as a phenomenon, the post-truth era is a period in which truth is devalued and fluid. This study reveals the ... -
An approach for the design of smart tools and environments based on networked experiences
(IEEE, 2015)Fast improvements in information communication technologies and demanding market conditions trigger the development of most digital services and products, which have been discussed for their adverse effects on their users ... -
Architettura e archeologia: la composizione conforme dello strato contemporaneo
(Società Scientifica nazionale dei docenti di Progettazione Architettonica, SSD ICAR 14, 15 e 16: Naples, 2019)Nel recente dibattito sul rapporto tra architettura e archeologia (Capozzi, Fusco and Visconti 2019), (Mariniello 2016) prevale la tesi per la quale il progetto contemporaneo dovrebbe configurarsi nel sito archeologico ... -
Assessing urbanization dynamics in Turkey’s Marmara Region using corine data between 2006 and 2018
(MDPI, 2021-02)This study investigated the urban growth dynamics of urban regions. The study area was the Marmara Region, one of the most densely populated and ecologically diverse areas in Turkey. Using CORINE land cover data for 2006, ... -
Assessment of learning in child–computer interaction research: A semi-systematic literature review
(Elsevier, 2023-06)In this paper, we investigate and map out how learning is assessed in Child–computer interaction (CCI) research. We have conducted a semi-systematic literature review in the CCI community's leading venues: the Interaction ... -
Assessment of synchronous online architecture education from students’ perspective
(Anadolu University, 2023-10)This research aims to identify and investigate different dimensions and underlying factors influencing the successful implementation of e-Learning, from participants' viewpoint, i.e. architecture students. To examine the ... -
Attractors, repellers and fringe belts: origins and medieval transformations of Arsinoe, Ammochostos, al-Mau’dah, Famagusta, Magusa
(U+D Edition, Rome, 2019)This research poses a number of historical questions about the urban settlement of Famagusta: is it a Medieval, Crusader or a Frankish city? Is there any evidence of an earlier (pre-Lusignan) phase in the urban fabric and ... -
Bedensel deneyime dayalı yer bilgisinin yeniden yapılandırılması için bir yöntem irdelemesi: Deneyimsel haritalama
(Yildiz Technical University Faculty Of Architecture, 2020)Bu makalede “Re-Mapping the Visibles and Invisibles of Vefa-Zeyrek-Fener-Balat” adlı çalıştayın kavramsal çerçevesi ve bulgularına yer verilmiştir. Çalıştay öncelikle, mimarlık eğitiminin okul mekânını aşarak gerçek hayata ... -
BIM documentation for architecture and archaeology: the shipwreck museum in the Kyrenia castle, Cyprus
(Gangemi Editore, 2019)In May 2018 we joined the “International Survey and Design Seminar & Workshop: Reading and designing the Kyrenia Castle”, at the Girne American University (Cyprus). During the workshop, we started a survey aimed at a general ... -
A BIM-GIS integrated pre-retrofit model for building data mapping
(Springer Nature, 2016-10)In response to rising energy costs and the impetus to reduce environmental impacts, upgrading the large building stock that is responsible for 40% of the total energy consumption to maximum energy efficiency is becoming ... -
Branding ‘New Istanbul’s’ residential real estate: A thematic analysis of residential real estate ads for ‘Canal Istanbul’ and environs
(Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, 2022)N/A
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