Browsing Faculty of Architecture and Design by Author "Taşdizen, Burak"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Ahlak dışı nesneler: Ulus’ta kentsel dönüşümün bir psikocoğrafyası
Taşdizen, Burak; Kaygan, H. (Vehbi Koç Ankara Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (VEKAM), 2016-09-25)Bir zamanlar genç Cumhuriyet'in siyasi ve ekonomik merkezi olan Ankara'daki Ulus semti, kentin hem cumhuriyetçi hem de manevi geleneklerine ev sahipliği yapmayı sürdürmektedir. Önce gecekondularla sarılmış, sonrasında ... -
Cyborg encounters: Three art-science interactions
Ural, Ayşe Melis Okay; Taşdizen, Burak; McKinnon Bell, C. J.; İrez, Beyza Dilem Topdal; Şahinol, M. (Springer, 2022-08)This contribution includes three selected works from an exhibition on Cyborg Encounters. These works deal with hybrid connections of human and non-human species that (might) emerge as a result of enhancement technologies ... -
Designing on the spot: Learning from the social design projects in Gökçeada/Imbros island
Erözçeli̇k, Meram Alayça; Taşdizen, Burak (Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-28)Design for social innovation is the emerging movement of the 21st century. Nonetheless, the socioeconomic impact of social design projects is conditional upon their multifaceted conception and upon their array of influence. ... -
Medicalised masculinities in Turkey and Iran: The eigensinn of hair in hair transplantation
Şahinol, M.; Taşdizen, Burak (Edinburgh University Press, 2021-04)Growing cultural enthusiasm for cosmetic surgery and the techno-medical modification of the body have had a considerable impact on men in recent years making it the driving force behind the medicalisation of masculinities ...
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