Publication: Nörobilimler ve hukuk üzerine
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Batı'da ve özellikle Almanya'da 90'lı yıllarda yoğunlaşan beyin araştırmalarında ve nörolojik bilimlerdeki ilerlemeler, determinizm ve indeterminizm ve dolayısıyla irade özgürlüğü arasındaki eski tartışmayı alevlendirmiştir. Katı deterministler irade özgürlüğünün bir illüzyon olduğunu ileri sürerek, kusura dayanan ceza hukukundan vazgeçmeyi, bunun yerine güvenlik tedbirlerine başvurmayı önermektedir. İndeterministler hukuk düzeninin normatif özelliğini vurgulayıp, irade özgürlüğünün ampirik niteliği konusuna girmemektedir. İndeterminizm sadece kusura dayanan ceza hukukunun değil, tüm hukuk düzeninin temellerini sarsılmasını engellemeye çalışmaktadır. İrade özgürlüğünün kanıtlanması veya kanıtlanmamasından bağımsız olarak irade özgürlüğünden vazgeçmemiz, bu kurum yerine koyabileceğimiz, bu fonksiyonu üstlenebilecek başka bir kurum olmaması nedeniyle mümkün görünmemektedir.
In the west, particularly in Germany around 90s the advanced improvement in brain research and neurology, determinism and indeterminism caused the old debate in relation to the freedom of will to arise, as a result. Determinists argued and suggested that the freedom of will is an illusion, a law which tolerates criminal law based on fault instead of the security measures that should be applied. The highlight of the indeterministic rule of law does not seem to address the empirical nature of the freedom of will. Indeterminism is not only the law which tolerates criminal law based on fault, it completely destroys the principles of the entire legal order foundations. The function to make a decision of whether the freedom of will should be exercised or not in a specific situation could be appointed to a suitable institution, but due to the lack of such an institution in existence is therefore impossible.
In the west, particularly in Germany around 90s the advanced improvement in brain research and neurology, determinism and indeterminism caused the old debate in relation to the freedom of will to arise, as a result. Determinists argued and suggested that the freedom of will is an illusion, a law which tolerates criminal law based on fault instead of the security measures that should be applied. The highlight of the indeterministic rule of law does not seem to address the empirical nature of the freedom of will. Indeterminism is not only the law which tolerates criminal law based on fault, it completely destroys the principles of the entire legal order foundations. The function to make a decision of whether the freedom of will should be exercised or not in a specific situation could be appointed to a suitable institution, but due to the lack of such an institution in existence is therefore impossible.
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