Publication: MİT Kanunu'nda yapılan değişikliğin anayasallığı
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İstihbarat hizmetlerini yürüten kişilerin soruşturulmasını, Başba- kan’ın iznine bağlayan 6278 sayılı Kanun, kaynağını Anayasa’da bul- maktadır. Ancak Anayasa hükmüne dayanan bu izin sistemi, kuvvetler ayrılığı ve eşitlik ilkesi gibi anayasa üstü normlara aykırıdır. Ayrıca Ka- nun’un getirdiği bu düzenleme, ‘’belirlilik’’ ilkesine aykırı olduğu gibi “farklı” bir ceza hukuku politikasının da ürünüdür. Anayasa Mahke- mesi’nin bu ceza politikasına ilişkin yasamanın takdirini çok geniş yo- rumladığı da göz önüne bulundurulduğunda, istihbarat faaliyetlerinin denetimini sağlamak için ‘’parlamenter bir hukuka uygunluk denetimi’’ mekanizmasının öngörülmesi bir gereklilik haline gelmiştir.
The Code numbered 6278 that subjects the investigation of intelligence officers to the permission of the Prime Minister is based on the Constitution. However, this Constitution-based ‘’Permission-System’’ is in contradiction with the supra constitutional norms such as equality and seperation of powers. This regulation is also inconsistent with the principle of certainty and is a product of another criminal policy. Considering the extensive interpretation by the Constutional Court of the margin of appreciation of the legislator, it has become a necessity to implement “a parliamentary legal review” mechanism to control intelligence activities.
The Code numbered 6278 that subjects the investigation of intelligence officers to the permission of the Prime Minister is based on the Constitution. However, this Constitution-based ‘’Permission-System’’ is in contradiction with the supra constitutional norms such as equality and seperation of powers. This regulation is also inconsistent with the principle of certainty and is a product of another criminal policy. Considering the extensive interpretation by the Constutional Court of the margin of appreciation of the legislator, it has become a necessity to implement “a parliamentary legal review” mechanism to control intelligence activities.
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