Publication: Online space displacing physical space in libraries; the impact of online use on the transformation of library design
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The basis of designing library spaces has been transformed. Initial views that online technologies would reduce the use of library space have not come to pass. The physical space remains important but much change has occurred. The focus has changed from an emphasis on housing of physical collections, accommodating staff and servicing users at desks, to highlighting the use of information technology in libraries and stressing user preferences for space utilisation. The pace and extent of the transformation have varied according to cultural values in various parts of the world and over time. From the east to the west, there have been significant differences. There have been varying interpretations of user behaviour and needs. Different approaches to the philosophical basis of librarianship have also affected the views of library space. Also of significance is the view of pedagogy taken in individual institutions and regions. Learner-based approaches, the increased availability of learning management systems tailored to individual use, the importance of group learning, and the growth of social networks have led to fundamental re-thinking of all spaces provided in libraries and learning institutions. The increasing use of mobile technology is causing further re-examination of space design. Common themes have developed which emphasize the need for flexibility, the importance of accommodating e-learning and m-learning, spaces for groups and areas for individual quiet study, and the emergence of self-service points, as well as those providing assistance. High tech still requires the high personal touch. The speakers will address the issues and highlight principles of library design, which should be followed, providing perspectives and examples from their Australian, Canadian, European and Turkish experience.