Publication: Temsilci bakımından irade sakatlıklarının özellikleri
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Temsil ilişkisi, hukuki işlemler arasında üçlü bir ilişki olması nedeniyle, diğer hukuki işlemlere nazaran daha karmaşık bir yapıya sahiptir. İçinde temsil olunan, temsilci ve temsilcinin hukuki işlem ilişkisine girdiği üçüncü kişiden oluşan bir ilişki ve işlem ağıdır.İrade sakatlıkları ise, tüm hukuki işlemler yönünden oldukça önem arz eden ve şartlar oluştuğu takdirde, yapılan işlemin iptal edilmesi suretiyle geçersizliğine yol açan bir hukuki kurumdur. Temsil ilişkisinde irade sakatlıkları, temsil ilişkisinin üçlü bir ilişki olması nedeniyle, hukuki ilişkiyi daha da karmaşık bir yapı haline getirmektedir. İrade sakatlığına düşen tarafın temsilci olması, temsil olunan olması ve son olarak üçüncü kişi olması durumlarının her biri farklı hukuki sonuçlara yol açan durumlardır.
The representation relationship has a more complicated structure than other legal processes because of the three-way relationship between the legal transactions. It is a third-party relationship and transaction network represented within which the representative and the representative enter into the legal transaction relationship.Willing disabilities are a legal entity that is very important for all legal transactions and leads to their invalidity by canceling the transaction if circumstances arise. In relation to representation, the will disabilities make the legal relationship even more complex because the representation relationship is a triple relationship. The fact that the party falling to the will disability is the representative, the being represented and finally the third person are the situations that lead to different legal consequences. The purpose of this article is designated as both creating a noteworthy work on the subject of natural persons' capacity to have rights and applicable law to natural persons' capacity to have rights, and providing information about the regulations in various jurisdictions. In accordance with this purpose, legal persons' capacity to have rights excluded from the scope of this article.
The representation relationship has a more complicated structure than other legal processes because of the three-way relationship between the legal transactions. It is a third-party relationship and transaction network represented within which the representative and the representative enter into the legal transaction relationship.Willing disabilities are a legal entity that is very important for all legal transactions and leads to their invalidity by canceling the transaction if circumstances arise. In relation to representation, the will disabilities make the legal relationship even more complex because the representation relationship is a triple relationship. The fact that the party falling to the will disability is the representative, the being represented and finally the third person are the situations that lead to different legal consequences. The purpose of this article is designated as both creating a noteworthy work on the subject of natural persons' capacity to have rights and applicable law to natural persons' capacity to have rights, and providing information about the regulations in various jurisdictions. In accordance with this purpose, legal persons' capacity to have rights excluded from the scope of this article.
Hacettepe Üniversitesi