Publication: Stajyerlerin iş ve sosyal güvenlik hukuku bakımından konumu
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Stajyerlerin iş ve sosyal güvenlik hukuku bakımından konumu adıyla yaptığımız bu çalışmada, gerek uygulama ve gerekse de öğretide ismine sıkça ama değişik şekillerde rastlanan "stajyer"kavramı ile onların çalışmalarının iş hukuku ve sosyal güvenlik hukuku karşısındaki hukuki konumu incelenmeye çalışılmaktadır. Hukukumuzda stajyer ve hukuki konumu hakkında yeknesak bir düzenleme bulunmadığı ve bu yüzden de yer yer zihin bulanıklığına ve uygulamada karışıklığa yol açıldığı; ayrıca farklı biçimde de olsa rastlanan kimi genel düzenlemelerde de istikrar sağlanamayıp zaman zaman değişikliklere gidildiği görülmektedir. Örneğin Torba Yasa diye bilinen 6552 sayılı Kanunla gerçekleştirilen değişiklik bunun son örneği olarak algılanabilir. Aşağıda ve izleyen kısımlarda konu hakkında detaylı açıklamalar sunulmaktadır.
In this study with the title 'the position of trainees regarding to labor and social security law', it is tried to analyze the term "Trainee" which is met frequently but in different kinds either in doctrine or in practice with the legal situation of their working regarding to labor law and social security law. In our law it is seen that there isn't a uniform regulation on trainee and its legal situation, besides even in some general arrangements which can be encountered in different form, the stability cannot be ensured and caused confusion in the practice resulting the amendments now and again. For instance, the amendments made with the Act no. 6552 which is known as Bag Bill can be comprehend as the last example of it. Detailed explanations on the subject is given below and in the following sections.
In this study with the title 'the position of trainees regarding to labor and social security law', it is tried to analyze the term "Trainee" which is met frequently but in different kinds either in doctrine or in practice with the legal situation of their working regarding to labor law and social security law. In our law it is seen that there isn't a uniform regulation on trainee and its legal situation, besides even in some general arrangements which can be encountered in different form, the stability cannot be ensured and caused confusion in the practice resulting the amendments now and again. For instance, the amendments made with the Act no. 6552 which is known as Bag Bill can be comprehend as the last example of it. Detailed explanations on the subject is given below and in the following sections.
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