Publication: Çıraklık ve çıraklar üzerine bazı düşünceler
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İster özele ister kamu kuruluşlarına ait olsun, işyerlerinde çeşitli konumlarda faaliyet gösteren, hizmet sunan - iş gören kişilerle karşılaşılır. Bunlardan kimilerinin tabi olduğu ilişki zaten belli koşullarla ve özel hukuk kapsamında ücret karşılığında bağımlı biçimde iş görmeyi; kimilerininki ise (sadece kamuda) kamu hukukuna tabi şekilde bağımlılık ve ücret içerikli iş görmeyi içerir. Bazılarınınsa, ya sadece işi ve mesleği teorik ve uygulamalı biçimde öğrenmeyi hedeflediği, ya da zaten teorik bilgisine sahip olduğu bir sanat veya meslek hakkındaki uygulamayı görmek ve bilgilerini pekiştirmek amacıyla faaliyette bulunduğu gözlemlenir. Bu son grubun çırak (ve stajyer) denilen kimseleri anlattığı söylenebilir. İşte bu çalışma özel olarak çırakların iş sağlığı ve güvenliği , bireysel iş hukuku ve sendikalar hukuku ile toplu iş sözleşmesi ve grev/lokavttaki durumu ile sosyal güvenlik hukuku bakımından hukuki konumuna yönelmiştir.
Whether is a private or public institution, operating, serving, laboring people in different positions are met in workplaces. When some of them has a relation to labor dependently in determined conditions within the scope of private law for a wage, some (only in public sector) has a dependent laboring relation for a wage bound to public law.On the other hand, it is seen that when some of them labors aiming to learn the job and profession in theory and practice, others aiming to see the practice and reinforce their knowledge on the craft or profession which is already possessed theoretically.It can be said that this last group is told to be apprentice (or intern). Therefore this study is directed to apprentices' legal status according to occupational health and safety , private labor law, trade unions law, collective bargaining law, social security law and against the strike/lockouts.
Whether is a private or public institution, operating, serving, laboring people in different positions are met in workplaces. When some of them has a relation to labor dependently in determined conditions within the scope of private law for a wage, some (only in public sector) has a dependent laboring relation for a wage bound to public law.On the other hand, it is seen that when some of them labors aiming to learn the job and profession in theory and practice, others aiming to see the practice and reinforce their knowledge on the craft or profession which is already possessed theoretically.It can be said that this last group is told to be apprentice (or intern). Therefore this study is directed to apprentices' legal status according to occupational health and safety , private labor law, trade unions law, collective bargaining law, social security law and against the strike/lockouts.
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