Publication: MIMO-OFDMA tabanlı hücresel ağlarda zamanlayıcıların performans değerlendirmesi
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Bu bildiride çok-girdili çok-çıktılı (multiple-input multiple-output, MIMO) ve ortogonal frekans bölmeli çoklu erişim (orthogonal frequency division multiple access, OFDMA) tabanlı hücresel kablosuz ağlarda farklı algoritmalara dayalı olarak birçok kullanıcıya, kaynakları tahsis eden zamanlayıcıların performansları incelenmektedir. OFDMA’in alışılmış zaman ve frekans kaynaklarına ek olarak, MIMO yapısı ile oluşan anten kaynakları, algoritmalara dahil edilmiştir. MIMO ve OFDM teknolojileri hakkında temel bilgiler verildikten sonra, Long Term Evolution (LTE) aglarında Round Robin (RR), Proportional Fair (PF) ve Maximum Throughput (MT) zamanlayıcılarının performsları değerlendirilmiştir. Makro hücre kentsel alan kanal modeli kullanılarak, çoklu anten yapısı içeren LTE sistem mimarisi dikkate alınmıştır. Performans değerlendirmeleri için Shannon Kapasitesi (Shannon Capacity) ve Jain’in adillik endeksi (Jain’s fairness index) kullanılmıştır. Buna ek olarak, kapasiteyi en üst düzeye çıkarma ile adilliğe ulaşma arasında bulunan ödünleşmeler Monte Carlo simülasyonlarıyla gösterilmiştir.
In this paper, we investigate the performances of schedulers, which basically allocate the resources to multiple users based on different algorithms, in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) based cellular wireless networks. In addition to conventional OFDMA resources which are time and frequency, antennas are also considered as resource during scheduling process. After explaining the basic concepts of MIMO and OFDMA technologies, the performances of Round Robin (RR), Proportional Fair (PF) and Maximum Throughput (MT) scheduling algorithms are evaluated in Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks. LTE system architecture including multiple antenna structure with the use of macro cell urban area channel model is considered. Shannon capacity and Jain's fairness index are utilized for performance evaluations. Additionally, the common trade-offs between maximizing capacity and achieving fairness are presented through Monte Carlo simulations.
In this paper, we investigate the performances of schedulers, which basically allocate the resources to multiple users based on different algorithms, in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) based cellular wireless networks. In addition to conventional OFDMA resources which are time and frequency, antennas are also considered as resource during scheduling process. After explaining the basic concepts of MIMO and OFDMA technologies, the performances of Round Robin (RR), Proportional Fair (PF) and Maximum Throughput (MT) scheduling algorithms are evaluated in Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks. LTE system architecture including multiple antenna structure with the use of macro cell urban area channel model is considered. Shannon capacity and Jain's fairness index are utilized for performance evaluations. Additionally, the common trade-offs between maximizing capacity and achieving fairness are presented through Monte Carlo simulations.
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