Publication: Model-based optimization of CMP process parameters for uniform material removal selectivity in cu/barrier planarization
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Akbar, Wazir
Ertunç, Özgür
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Chemical mechanical planarization is a process of achieving planar surfaces in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. The planarization of a surface is achieved by material removal from the wafer surface. The material removal depends on material properties and the process input parameters. Several studies have investigated the role of slurry chemistry to achieve a certain material removal selectivity of different materials on a patterned wafer. Here we propose a methodology of achieving planar patterned surface of Cu/Mn/MnN system using a model-based optimization for mechanical process parameters. The parameters include applied force, slurry solid concentration, and abrasive particle size. The methodology has been developed via optimization using a genetic algorithm. The proposed methodology suggests that a lower downforce is the key parameter to achieve the desired material removal selectivity and planarity. The first part of the study suggests a low material removal rate (MRR) to achieve a lower standard deviation in MRR. The second part investigates the standard deviation in the thickness removed in the average time needed to remove a known thickness of the materials under consideration. It has been found that the application of lower downforce can also minimize the standard deviation in the thickness removed and a planar patterned surface can be achieved.
IOP Publishing