Publication: Bi̇r i̇dari̇ eylem olarak tıbbi̇ uygulama hatasından kaynaklı tam yargı davalarında i̇sti̇naf kanun yolunun katkısı üzeri̇ne düşünceler
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İdarenin kişilere vermiş olduğu zararın tazmin edilmesi hukuk devletinin gereğidir. Tıbbi uygulama hataları idari eylem niteliğinde ol- duğundan idari yargıda tam yargı davasının konusu olabilir ve hatalı tıbbi uygulama sonucu kişilerin maruz kaldığı maddi ve manevi zararın, hizmet kusurunun varlığı durumunda idare tarafından karşılanması gere- kir. 20 Temmuz 2016 tarihinden itibaren idari yargılamada istinaf kanun yolu uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda idare mahkemeleri tara- fından verilen ve kesin olmayan kararlar temyiz aşamasından önce isti- naf kanun yolunda, istinaf başvurusu kabul edildiği takdirde, maddi ve hukuksal olarak yargısal denetime tabi tutulmakta ve istinaf mercileri tarafından gerektiğinde yargılama yeniden yapılarak uyuşmazlıklar çö- züme kavuşturulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada idari eylem niteliğindeki tıbbi uygulama hatasından kaynaklı tam yargı davalarında istinaf kanun yolu
The responsibility of law state is to compensate the damages of public caused by administrative activities. As malpractice cases are type of administrative activities, they can be subject to full remedy judge- ments and the administration should compensate the demands of mate- rial and immaterial losses. As of 20.07.2016, appeal has been implemen- ted into Turkish administrative judgement system. In this context, if the applications for appeal are accepted, the judicial review for the decisi- ons that are given by administrative courts and which are not definitive will be reviewed by appellate courts. The judicial review at appellate courts are realized both materially and legally and if necessary the deci- sion of administrative courts are annulled, and new judgements are pro- ceeded by appellate courts. In this study the importance and innovation of appellate courts in administrative judgement on malpractice cases is determined.
The responsibility of law state is to compensate the damages of public caused by administrative activities. As malpractice cases are type of administrative activities, they can be subject to full remedy judge- ments and the administration should compensate the demands of mate- rial and immaterial losses. As of 20.07.2016, appeal has been implemen- ted into Turkish administrative judgement system. In this context, if the applications for appeal are accepted, the judicial review for the decisi- ons that are given by administrative courts and which are not definitive will be reviewed by appellate courts. The judicial review at appellate courts are realized both materially and legally and if necessary the deci- sion of administrative courts are annulled, and new judgements are pro- ceeded by appellate courts. In this study the importance and innovation of appellate courts in administrative judgement on malpractice cases is determined.
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