Publication: The timing database: An open-access, live repository for interval timing studies
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Interval timing refers to the ability to perceive and remember intervals in the seconds to minutes range. Our contemporary understanding of interval timing is derived from relatively small-scale, isolated studies that investigate a limited range of intervals with a small sample size, usually based on a single task. Consequently, the conclusions drawn from individual studies are not readily generalizable to other tasks, conditions, and task parameters. The current paper presents a live database that presents raw data from interval timing studies (currently composed of 68 datasets from eight different tasks incorporating various interval and temporal order judgments) with an online graphical user interface to easily select, compile, and download the data organized in a standard format. The Timing Database aims to promote and cultivate key and novel analyses of our timing ability by making published and future datasets accessible as open-source resources for the entire research community. In the current paper, we showcase the use of the database by testing various core ideas based on data compiled across studies (i.e., temporal accuracy, scalar property, location of the point of subjective equality, malleability of timing precision). The Timing Database will serve as the repository for interval timing studies through the submission of new datasets.