Publication: Hekimlerin gebeliklerin sonlandırılmasından kaynaklanan özel hukuk ve ceza hukuku sorumluluğu
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Master's thesis
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Gebeliklerin sonlandırılması tıp, hukuk, etik, felsefe,din gibi pek çok alanda binlerce yıldır tartışılan bir konudur. Zamana ve mekana göre yaklaşımlar ve bakış açıları değişkenlik gösterse de gebeliklerin sonlandırılmasını ne tamamen serbest bırakmanın ne de aşırı kısıtlamalar getirmenin çözüm olmayacağı bilinmektedir. Ülkeden ülkeye değişkenlik göstermekle beraber, ülkemiz de dahil olmak üzere hemen her ülkenin kanunları gebeliklerin sonlandırılmasına belli koşullar altında izin vermiş, bu koşulları taşımayan durumlarda gebeliği sonlandıran kişilerin sorumluluğuna gidilmiştir. Gebeliklerin herhangi bir kişi tarafından herhangi bir yöntemle sonlandırılması mümkün olup sorumluluğunu da beraberinde getirse de, özellikle yakın zamanlarda gündemde olan ve kamuoyunun ilgisini çeken konu, hekimlerin gebeliklerin sonlandırılmasına yönelik tıbbi müdahale niteliği taşıyan eylemleri olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada hekimlerin gebeliklerin sonlandırılması nedeniyle hem özel hukuk hem ceza hukuku alanında söz konusu olabilecek sorumlulukları ele alınmıştır. Gebeliklerin sonlandırılmasında özel hukuk sorumluluğu, genel olarak hekimin özel hukuk sorumluluğuna paralel şekilde, hekim ile gebe kadın ya da yasal temsilcisi arasında kurulmuş bir sözleşme ilişkisinden, haksız fiilden, vekaletsiz iş görmeden kaynaklanabilir. Ayrıca Türk Borçlar Kanunu ilgili maddeleri uyarınca hekimin kusursuz sorumluluğuna da gidilebilir. Müdahalenin gerçekleştiği sağlık kurumunun da sözleşmeye aykırılığın yanı sıra hekimin kusuru nedeniyle sorumlu tutulması da söz konusu olabilir. Gebeliklerin sonlandırılması nedeniyle bir tazminata hükmedilebilmesi için de, genel sorumluluk hükümlerine uygun şekilde, bir hukuka aykırılık, zarar, kusur ve nedensellik bağının bulunması gerekmektedir. Çalışmada bu hususlar tıp uygulamasından örnekler eşliğinde ele alınmış, ayrıca ispata ilişkin özellikler ve tazminatın hesaplanması üzerinde de durulmuştur. Hekimlerin gebeliklerin sonlandırılmasından kaynaklanan cezai sorumluluğu açısından Türk Ceza Kanunu 99. ve 100. maddelerinde yer alan çocuk düşürme ve düşürtme suçları irdelenmiştir. Hekimlerin suç işlememeleri, hastalarına zarar vermemeleri ve kendilerini sorumlu duruma düşürmemeleri konusunda dikkat edilmesi gereken en önemli hususlar olarak özellikle Nüfus Planlaması Hakkında Kanun Hükümleri'nin dikkate alınması, hastanın aydınlatılmış onamının alınması, onam olmaksızın, yetki alanı dışında ve endikasyonsuz müdahaleye girişilmemesi ve yapılanların eksiksiz kayıt altına alınması üzerinde durulmuştur.
The termination of the pregnancies has been a topic of discussion in the fields like medicine, law, ethics, philosophy, religion since thousands of years. Though the points of view and approaches show variabilities depending on time and place, it is generally known, that neither to allow nor to restrict abortions by all means can be a solution. For this reason, almost all the legal systems of the coutries including also ours, allow abortions only under certain circumstances and people who perform an abortion not conforming these conditions are held responsible. Though the abortions performed by anyone using any kind of methods lead also to one's responsibility, the issue which especially attracts public attention and brings out a discussion in recent times is the medical interventions of the doctors for performing an abortion. In this study the responsibility of the doctors is handled both from the aspect of private law and criminal law. In private law, responsibility regarding abortions, may derive from contract between the doctor and pregnant woman or her legal representative, from tort and from acting without authority. Additionally, according to the related articles of the Turkish Obligations Code absolute liability of the doctor may also be in the question. Besides, the private hospital, where the abortion was performed, can also be held responsible on the basis of contract or absolute liability. In order to rule for a compensation, four components, opposition to law, damage, fault, and causality should exist. In this study , these matters are handled in accompany of examples from medical and legal practise and additionally, characteristics related to the proving process and to the calculation of the compensation are elaborated. In terms of criminal responsibility of the doctors related to pregnancy termination, the Abortion and Miscarriage Offences, which are regulated respectively in Article 99 and Article 100 of Turkish Penal Code, are elaborated from various aspects. In order to prevent the doctors to commit crime and to cause damage to their patients, and to inform them how to avoid responsibility, to act in accordance with the provisions of Population Regulation Act, to get the informed consent of the patient, not perform any medical intervention without informed consent, without indication or without authority and to record everything completely are emphasized as the most important issues to be considered.
The termination of the pregnancies has been a topic of discussion in the fields like medicine, law, ethics, philosophy, religion since thousands of years. Though the points of view and approaches show variabilities depending on time and place, it is generally known, that neither to allow nor to restrict abortions by all means can be a solution. For this reason, almost all the legal systems of the coutries including also ours, allow abortions only under certain circumstances and people who perform an abortion not conforming these conditions are held responsible. Though the abortions performed by anyone using any kind of methods lead also to one's responsibility, the issue which especially attracts public attention and brings out a discussion in recent times is the medical interventions of the doctors for performing an abortion. In this study the responsibility of the doctors is handled both from the aspect of private law and criminal law. In private law, responsibility regarding abortions, may derive from contract between the doctor and pregnant woman or her legal representative, from tort and from acting without authority. Additionally, according to the related articles of the Turkish Obligations Code absolute liability of the doctor may also be in the question. Besides, the private hospital, where the abortion was performed, can also be held responsible on the basis of contract or absolute liability. In order to rule for a compensation, four components, opposition to law, damage, fault, and causality should exist. In this study , these matters are handled in accompany of examples from medical and legal practise and additionally, characteristics related to the proving process and to the calculation of the compensation are elaborated. In terms of criminal responsibility of the doctors related to pregnancy termination, the Abortion and Miscarriage Offences, which are regulated respectively in Article 99 and Article 100 of Turkish Penal Code, are elaborated from various aspects. In order to prevent the doctors to commit crime and to cause damage to their patients, and to inform them how to avoid responsibility, to act in accordance with the provisions of Population Regulation Act, to get the informed consent of the patient, not perform any medical intervention without informed consent, without indication or without authority and to record everything completely are emphasized as the most important issues to be considered.