Publication: Anayasa şikayeti konusunda bazı düşünceler
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Türk Anayasasındaki 2010 değişikliklerine göre; herkes, Anayasada güvence altına alınmış temel hak ve özgürlüklerinden, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi kapsamındaki herhangi birinin kamu gücü tarafından, ihlal edildiği iddiasıyla Anayasa Mahkemesine anayasa şikayeti başvurusunda bulunabilir (Anayasa m. 148/3). Almanya’da ise, AİHS (m. 93/4) kapsamında bir sınırlama bulunmamaktadır. Eğer bir kanuna ilişkin Anayasa şikayeti yerinde bulunursa olursa, kanun hükümsüz olarak kabul edilir ve Federal Anayasa Mahkemesi tarafından iptal edilir. Türk Hukukuna göre, Anayasa şikayeti kanunkoyucunun işlemlerine karşı yöneltilemez. Türk Hukukundaki Anayasa şikayetinin hukuki kaynağı Alman hukukudur, ancak bazı önemli değişiklikler bulunmaktadır. Makale her iki sistem arasında küçük bir karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu nedenle ilgili yasal hükümler sunulmuştur.
According to amendments of the Turkish constitution on 2010 any person, which claims that one of his fundamental rights and freedoms within the scope of the European Convention on Human Rights which are guaranteed by the constitution may lodge a constitutional complaint with the constitutional court (Art. 148/3 the Turkish Constitution). According to Germany there is no limitation within the scope of the ECHR (Art. 93/4 a). If a complaint against a law is upheld, the law shall be declared null and void by the Federal Constitutional Court. According to Turkish Law the constitutional complaint cannot be directed against the acts of the legislative. The law source of the constitutional complaint in Turkish law is German law, but there are some important differences. The article aims a small comparison between both systems. Therefore the relevant legal provisions are presented.
According to amendments of the Turkish constitution on 2010 any person, which claims that one of his fundamental rights and freedoms within the scope of the European Convention on Human Rights which are guaranteed by the constitution may lodge a constitutional complaint with the constitutional court (Art. 148/3 the Turkish Constitution). According to Germany there is no limitation within the scope of the ECHR (Art. 93/4 a). If a complaint against a law is upheld, the law shall be declared null and void by the Federal Constitutional Court. According to Turkish Law the constitutional complaint cannot be directed against the acts of the legislative. The law source of the constitutional complaint in Turkish law is German law, but there are some important differences. The article aims a small comparison between both systems. Therefore the relevant legal provisions are presented.
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