Publication: Soruşturma evresinde gizliliğin ihlali suçu
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Master's thesis
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Bu çalışmada, Türk Ceza Kanunu'nun Gizliliğin İhlali başlıklı 285. maddesinde düzenlenen dört suç tipinden soruşturma evresiyle ilişkili olan üçü inceleme konusu yapılmıştır. İlgili maddenin 2012 yılında yeniden düzenlenmesi, suçların kapsamında önemli değişikliklere neden olmuş ve suçun oluşumu için yeni unsurlar eklenmesi nedeniyle suçların uygulanabileceği haller azalmıştır. Gizliliğin İhlali suçlarıyla soruşturmanın gizliliği ilkesinin korunması amaçlandığı için incelenen bu suçlar, ceza muhakemesinin işleyişiyle yakın ilişki içindedir. Ceza muhakemesinde geçerli olan soruşturmanın gizliliği ilkesi, bir yönüyle soruşturmanın etkin bir şekilde yapılmasını, bir diğer yönüyle de hakkında soruşturma yürütülen şüphelinin lekelenmeme hakkının korunmasını güvence altına almaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, soruşturma evresine ilişkin genel bilgiler verilerek özellikle soruşturmanın gizliliği ilkesinin kapsamı ve sınırları belirlenmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise üç suç tipi, korunan hukuksal değer ve kanuni unsurları bakımından incelenmiş, özellikle tartışmalı alanlar bakımından öğretideki görüşlere yer verilerek değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuştur. Üçüncü ve son bölümde ise suçların özel görünüş biçimleri ve muhakeme usulleri bakımından göstermiş olduğu özellikler ve benzer suçlarla farklılıkları incelenmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmamızda, gizliliğin ihlali suçlarının basın özgürlüğünü sınırlayıcı etkisi dikkate alınarak soruşturmanın gizliliği ilkesi ile basının haber verme özgürlüğü arasındaki çatışmanın nasıl çözümlenmesi gerektiği tespit edilmiştir. Gizliliğin İhlali suçlarının özellikle lekelenmeme hakkı bakımından yeterli korumayı sağlamıyor olması eleştirilmiş ve bu kapsamda maddenin kapsamının genişletilmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
In this study, three of out of four types of crimes regarding the investigation stage regulated under Article 285 titled "Breach of Confidentiality" of the Turkish Criminal Code numbered 5237 were examined. The rearrangement of the relevant article in 2012 caused significant changes in the scope of crimes and decreased its applicability due to the new elements required for formation of the crimes. There is a close relationship between the crimes evaluated under this study and the criminal procedure process since crimes of Breach of Confidentiality aim to protect the principle of the confidentiality of the investigation. On one hand, principle of confidentiality of the investigation ensures that the investigation is conducted efficiently and on the other hand it protects the right not to be stained of the suspects who are being investigated. Therefore, in the first chapter of this study, general information regarding the investigation stage was presented and especially the scope and the limits of the principle of the confidentiality of the investigation were defined. In the second chapter, the three types of crimes were examined in terms of the protected legal value and the elements of the crimes; and evaluations were made by including the opinions in the legal doctrine especially for the disputed subjects in this matter. In the third and the last chapter, special appearance of the crimes, their characteristics in terms of procedural processes and their differences from other similar crimes were evaluated. In addition, the method to solve the conflict between the principle of confidentiality of the investigation and freedom of press by considering the limiting effect of the crimes of breach of confidentiality on the freedom of the press was determined in our study. The crimes of Breach of Confidentiality were criticized for not providing adequate protection especially in terms of the right not to be stained, and it has been concluded that the scope of the article should be extended.
In this study, three of out of four types of crimes regarding the investigation stage regulated under Article 285 titled "Breach of Confidentiality" of the Turkish Criminal Code numbered 5237 were examined. The rearrangement of the relevant article in 2012 caused significant changes in the scope of crimes and decreased its applicability due to the new elements required for formation of the crimes. There is a close relationship between the crimes evaluated under this study and the criminal procedure process since crimes of Breach of Confidentiality aim to protect the principle of the confidentiality of the investigation. On one hand, principle of confidentiality of the investigation ensures that the investigation is conducted efficiently and on the other hand it protects the right not to be stained of the suspects who are being investigated. Therefore, in the first chapter of this study, general information regarding the investigation stage was presented and especially the scope and the limits of the principle of the confidentiality of the investigation were defined. In the second chapter, the three types of crimes were examined in terms of the protected legal value and the elements of the crimes; and evaluations were made by including the opinions in the legal doctrine especially for the disputed subjects in this matter. In the third and the last chapter, special appearance of the crimes, their characteristics in terms of procedural processes and their differences from other similar crimes were evaluated. In addition, the method to solve the conflict between the principle of confidentiality of the investigation and freedom of press by considering the limiting effect of the crimes of breach of confidentiality on the freedom of the press was determined in our study. The crimes of Breach of Confidentiality were criticized for not providing adequate protection especially in terms of the right not to be stained, and it has been concluded that the scope of the article should be extended.