Publication: Elektronik ticarette ödeme sistemleri: kredi kartları, elektronik para, elektronik çek
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Günümüzde internet hayatın her alanında kendisini göstermekte ve kullanımı gün geçtikçe yaygınlaşmaktadır. İnternet pek çok alanda insan hayatını kolaylaştırdığı gibi ticari hayata da önemli ölçüde katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle ticari hayatta teknolojinin birer yansıması olan yeni ödeme sistemleri ortaya çıkmıştır. İnternette uygun bir ödeme sisteminin oluşturulması, onun bir ticaret şekli olarak kabul edilip gelişebilmesi için oldukça önemli bir faktördür. Bu çalışmada elektronik ödeme sistemleri incelenmiştir. İnternette kullanılan elektronik ödeme sistemi olarak başlıca kredi kartı veya banka kartları kullanılmaktadır. Teknolojinin gelişmesiyle dünyada kredi kartının yanında elektronik para ve elektronik çek gibi elektronik ödeme sistemleri de kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Ülkemizde elektronik para, 27.06.2013 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren 6493 sayılı Elektronik Para Kanunu ile yasal düzenlemeye kavuşmuştur. Elektronik çek hakkında ise Türkiye Bankalar Birliği tarafından 'Elektronik Çek Kanun Taslağı' hazırlanmıştır, ancak bu taslak henüz yasalaştırılmamıştır.
In our day, internet is showing itself in every field of life and its use becomes widespread day by day. The internet makes life easier for many people and also it makes significant contribution for business life. In this context the new payment systems which are the reflection of the technology have taken their places. The creation of an appropriate payment system on internet is a very important factor for its acceptance and development as a form of trade. In this academic study the electronic payment systems have been examined. Credit cards or debit cards are mainly used as the electronic payment system used on the internet. With the development of technology, electronic payment systems such as electronic money and electronic cheque have started to be used in the world besides credit cards. In our country, electronic money has reached legal basis with the Electronic Money Code no.6493, which entered into force on the date of 27.06.2013. The "Draft Electronic Cheque Law" about electronic cheques was prepared by the Banks Association of Turkey, but this draft has not yet been enacted.
In our day, internet is showing itself in every field of life and its use becomes widespread day by day. The internet makes life easier for many people and also it makes significant contribution for business life. In this context the new payment systems which are the reflection of the technology have taken their places. The creation of an appropriate payment system on internet is a very important factor for its acceptance and development as a form of trade. In this academic study the electronic payment systems have been examined. Credit cards or debit cards are mainly used as the electronic payment system used on the internet. With the development of technology, electronic payment systems such as electronic money and electronic cheque have started to be used in the world besides credit cards. In our country, electronic money has reached legal basis with the Electronic Money Code no.6493, which entered into force on the date of 27.06.2013. The "Draft Electronic Cheque Law" about electronic cheques was prepared by the Banks Association of Turkey, but this draft has not yet been enacted.
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