Publication: Cinsel şiddet mağduru kadın ve Türk Ceza Kanunu'ndaki konumu
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Kadına karşı cinsel şiddet, şiddetin bir türüdür ve ne yazık ki oldukça yaygındır. Kimi zaman adliyeye yansıyan ve fakat çoğunlukla farklı nedenlerle ortaya çıkmayan, çıkartılmayan ve bu nedenle de adliyeye yansımayan ve istatistiklere geçmeyen büyük bir sorundur. Ulusal olduğu kadar uluslararası boyutu olan konudur. Uluslararası sözleşmelerle konu gündemde tutulmakta ve önlenmesi için taraf devletlere yükümlülükler yüklenmektedir. Türk Ceza Kanunu'nda da konuya ilişkin düzenlemeler bulunmakla birlikte sorunu çözmek bakımından yeterli olduklarını ifade etmek mümkün değildir.
Sexual violence against women is a type of violence and despite the fact that it is a common issue, it doesn't come into the picture much and therefore, it is not referred to court and reflected by the statistics. It is also an international problem as well as a national issue. International conventions keep this issue on the agenda and some obligations are imposed to States to prevent it. Even tough there are provisions on this topic in Turkish Criminal Code, these are not efficacious for solving the problem.
Sexual violence against women is a type of violence and despite the fact that it is a common issue, it doesn't come into the picture much and therefore, it is not referred to court and reflected by the statistics. It is also an international problem as well as a national issue. International conventions keep this issue on the agenda and some obligations are imposed to States to prevent it. Even tough there are provisions on this topic in Turkish Criminal Code, these are not efficacious for solving the problem.
Beta Basım A.Ş.