Publication: Karşılıksızdır işlemi yapılmasına sebebiyet verme suçu
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Master's thesis
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Çek, çok eski yıllardan beri ekonomik hayatta yaygın olarak kullanılan, sıkı şekil şartlarına tabi, kambiyo senedi niteliğine haiz bir kıymetli evraktır. Ödeme aracı olarak kullanılan çekin dürüstlük ve iyi niyet kurallarına aykırı olarak kullanılmasını önlemek ve çek bedelinin tamemen veya kısmen karşılıksız kalması halinde keşideci hakkında cezai müeyyide uygulanabilmesi amacıyla kanun koyucu bir takım düzenlemeler getirmiştir. Çekin toplumda kullanımının yaygınlaşması, çeke karşı olan güvenin artması ve hamilin korunması bağlamında 09.08.2016 yılında 6728 sayılı "Yatırım Ortamının İyileştirilmesi Amacıyla Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun" kabul edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda 5941 sayılı Çek Kanunu ve Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nda bazı yeni düzenlemeler getirilmiştir. Buna göre çeke kare kod, banka seri numarası getirilmiş, muhakeme usulünde değişikliğe gidilerek soruşturma aşaması kaldırılmış, İcra İflas Kanun’un ilgili maddeleri gereğice yargılama yapılacağı, çek üzerinde yazılı tutarın kısmen veya tamamen karşılıksız kalması durumunda ilgili kişinin adli para cezasına mahkûm edileceği ve adli para cezası ödenmediği takdirde cezanın hapis cezasına çevrileceği öngörülmüştür. Çalışma konumuz "karşılıksızdır" işlemine sebebiyet verme suçunu, yasal değişiklikler, güncel doktrin ve yargı kararları ışığında incelemektir.
A check is a valuable document that has the characteristics of a bill of exchange subjected to strict form conditions, has been widely used in economic life since ancient times. The legislator has introduced a number of regulations in order to prevent the check used as a means of payment from being used against the rules of honesty and goodwill, and to impose a penal sanction on the drawer in case the check value is totally or partially unrequited. In the context of the widespread use of the check in the society, the increase of trust in the check and the protection of the bearer, on august 9th,2016, Law No. 6728 of the Law on the Amendment of Certain Laws for the İmprovement of the Investment Environment was adopted.In this regard, In this regard, some new regulations have been introduced in the Check Law No. 5941 and the Turkish Commercial Code. Accordingly, QR code and bank serial number were added to the check, the investigation phase was abolished by making a change in the procedural procedure, a trial will be made in accordance with the relevant articles of the Execution and Bankruptcy Law, the person concerned will be sentenced to a judicial fine in case the amount written on the check is partially or completely unrequited. It is foreseen that if the penalty is not paid, the penalty will be commuted to a prison sentence. Our study subject is to examine the crime of causing the "unrequited"process in the light of legal changes, current doctrine and judicial decisions.
A check is a valuable document that has the characteristics of a bill of exchange subjected to strict form conditions, has been widely used in economic life since ancient times. The legislator has introduced a number of regulations in order to prevent the check used as a means of payment from being used against the rules of honesty and goodwill, and to impose a penal sanction on the drawer in case the check value is totally or partially unrequited. In the context of the widespread use of the check in the society, the increase of trust in the check and the protection of the bearer, on august 9th,2016, Law No. 6728 of the Law on the Amendment of Certain Laws for the İmprovement of the Investment Environment was adopted.In this regard, In this regard, some new regulations have been introduced in the Check Law No. 5941 and the Turkish Commercial Code. Accordingly, QR code and bank serial number were added to the check, the investigation phase was abolished by making a change in the procedural procedure, a trial will be made in accordance with the relevant articles of the Execution and Bankruptcy Law, the person concerned will be sentenced to a judicial fine in case the amount written on the check is partially or completely unrequited. It is foreseen that if the penalty is not paid, the penalty will be commuted to a prison sentence. Our study subject is to examine the crime of causing the "unrequited"process in the light of legal changes, current doctrine and judicial decisions.