Publication: On the application of Harris hawks optimization (HHO) algorithm to the design of microchannel heat sinks
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A novel Harris hawks optimization algorithm is applied to microchannel heat sinks for the minimization of entropy generation. In the formulation of the heat transfer model of the microchannel, the slip flow velocity and temperature jump boundary conditions have been taken into account. A variety of materials and fluids have also been evaluated to determine the optimal design of the microchannel. Since the main objective of this paper is to assess the search and exploration ability of the novel Harris Hawks algorithm, results are also benchmarked with those of commonly used particle swarm optimization, bees optimization algorithm, grasshopper optimization algorithm, whale optimization algorithm and dragonfly algorithm. Finally, results are compared to the analytical results and results obtained by the application of genetic algorithms. Results show that the Harris hawks algorithm has a superior performance in minimizing the entropy generation of the microchannel. The algorithm is also more computationally efficient compared to the aforementioned algorithms. Moreover, optimization results indicate that the use of copper for the microchannel and ammonia as the coolant leads to minimal entropy generation and, therefore, is considered as the best design. Considering the poor corrosive characteristics of copper, aluminum as the microchannel material is proposed as an alternative.
Springer Nature