Publication: Kamu hizmeti kavramının Türk petrol piyasası açısından değerlendirilmesi
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Master's thesis
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Petrol piyasası faaliyetleri, 5015 sayılı Petrol Piyasası Kanunu’nda ele alınan ve ham petrolün yurt içinden veya yurt dışından temin edilerek doğrudan ya da işlenmek suretiyle kullanıcıya sunumuna kadar olan faaliyetler zincirini kapsamaktadır. Kanun’da piyasa faaliyetlerinin; petrolün ithalini, ihracını, rafinajını, işlenmesini, depolanmasını, iletimini, ihrakiye teslimini, taşınmasını, dağıtımını, bayiliğini ifade ettiği düzenlenmiştir. Petrol piyasası faaliyetleri, özel kişiler tarafından Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu’ndan lisans alınmak suretiyle ve yine Kurum’un gözetim ve denetimi altında rekabetçi bir piyasa yapısı içerisinde sürdürülen faaliyetlerdir. Piyasa faaliyetleri bu kamusal rejime tabi yönleri ile özel ticari faaliyetlerden farklı olmakla birlikte açık bir şekilde kamu hizmeti olarak da düzenlenmemişlerdir.
Bu bağlamda tezimizde, petrol piyasası faaliyetleri kamu hizmeti kavramı çerçevesinde değerlendirilecektir. Tez çalışmamız üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde öncelikle bir enerji kaynağı olarak petrolün ne olduğu ile küresel anlamdaki yeri ve önemi, Türkiye’de petrol piyasasının oluşumu ve gelişimi ile piyasa faaliyetleri ve faaliyetleri yürüten aktörlerin kimler olduğu anlatılacaktır. Tezimizin ikinci bölümünde, çalışmamızın çerçevesini oluşturan kamu hizmeti kavramı, kamu hizmetinin unsurları, türleri ve kamu hizmetinin temel ilkeleri detaylı olarak açıklanacaktır. Bu konular incelenirken ilgili yargı kararları da yeri geldikçe ele alınacaktır.
Tezimizde asıl işlemek istediğimiz konu ise üçüncü ve son bölümde yer alacaktır. Bu bağlamda üçüncü bölümde 5015 sayılı Petrol Piyasası Kanunu kapsamında yer alan petrol piyasası faaliyetlerinin kamu hizmeti kavramı çerçevesinde değerlendirmesi yapılacaktır. Bu değerlendirme yapılırken kamu hizmetinin her bir unsuru ve ilkesi ayrı ayrı ele alınacak olup 5015 sayılı Kanun’da yer alan düzenlemeler, kanun koyucunun düzenleme iradesi, Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu’nun oluşturduğu ikincil mevzuat hükümleri ve ilgili yargı kararları kapsamında bir inceleme ve değerlendirme ortaya konulacaktır.
Petroleum market activities cover the chain of activities, which is regulated in the Petroleum Market Law No. 5015, from the domestic or international supply of crude oil to the presentation to the user, either directly or by processing. The market activities in the Law No. 5015; It is regulated that it means the import, export, refining, processing, storage, transmission, bunker delivery, transportation, distribution, dealership of petroleum. Petroleum market activities are activities carried out by private individuals in a competitive market structure by obtaining a license from the Energy Market Regulatory Authority and under the supervision and control of the Authority. Although market activities are different from private commercial activities with their aspects subject to this public regime, they are not clearly regulated as public services. In this context, in the thesis, oil market activities are evaluated within the framework of the concept of public service.The thesis work consists of three parts.In the first chapter, what oil is as an energy source, its place and importance in the global sense, the formation and development of the oil market in Turkey, and the market activities and who are the actors carrying out the activities are explained.In the second part of the thesis, the concept of public service, which forms the framework of the study, the elements and types of public service and the basic principles of public service are explained in detail by considering judicial decisions.The main subject to be covered in the thesis is; contained in the third and final section. In this context, in the third part, the petroleum market activities within the scope of the Petroleum Market Law No. 5015 were evaluated within the framework of the concept of public service. While making this evaluation, each element and principle of the public service has been handled separately, and an examination and evaluation has been put forward within the scope of the regulations in the Law No. 5015, the regulation will of the legislator, the provisions of the secondary legislation created by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority and the relevant judicial decisions.
Petroleum market activities cover the chain of activities, which is regulated in the Petroleum Market Law No. 5015, from the domestic or international supply of crude oil to the presentation to the user, either directly or by processing. The market activities in the Law No. 5015; It is regulated that it means the import, export, refining, processing, storage, transmission, bunker delivery, transportation, distribution, dealership of petroleum. Petroleum market activities are activities carried out by private individuals in a competitive market structure by obtaining a license from the Energy Market Regulatory Authority and under the supervision and control of the Authority. Although market activities are different from private commercial activities with their aspects subject to this public regime, they are not clearly regulated as public services. In this context, in the thesis, oil market activities are evaluated within the framework of the concept of public service.The thesis work consists of three parts.In the first chapter, what oil is as an energy source, its place and importance in the global sense, the formation and development of the oil market in Turkey, and the market activities and who are the actors carrying out the activities are explained.In the second part of the thesis, the concept of public service, which forms the framework of the study, the elements and types of public service and the basic principles of public service are explained in detail by considering judicial decisions.The main subject to be covered in the thesis is; contained in the third and final section. In this context, in the third part, the petroleum market activities within the scope of the Petroleum Market Law No. 5015 were evaluated within the framework of the concept of public service. While making this evaluation, each element and principle of the public service has been handled separately, and an examination and evaluation has been put forward within the scope of the regulations in the Law No. 5015, the regulation will of the legislator, the provisions of the secondary legislation created by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority and the relevant judicial decisions.