Publication: Haksız ticari uygulamalara ilişkin hükümlerin incelenmesi
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"Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun" m. 62 ile 2014 yılında girmiş; Kanunun 61 ila 63. hükümleri ve 84. maddesine dayanılarak Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı tarafından çıkarılan "Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Yönetmeliği" ile de ayrıntılı hükümlere bağlanmıştır. Yönetmelik, tüketiciye yönelik her türlü ticari reklam ile haksız ticari uygulamayı kapsamakta ve tüketicileri haksız ticari uygulamalara karşı korumayı amaçlamaktadır. Yönetmeliğin üçüncü kısmı, çalışmamızın konusu olan haksız ticari uygulamalara ayrılmıştır (m. 28 ila 31). Burada öncelikle haksız ticari uygulama yasağına ilişkin genel bir hüküm konmuş (m. 28); daha sonra sırasıyla aldatıcı eylemler (m. 29), aldatıcı ihmaller (m. 30) ve saldırgan ticari uygulamalar (m. 31) ayrı ayrı düzenlenmiştir. Bu uygulamalarla birlikte, Yönetmeliğin Ekinde belirtilen örnek uygulamaların her hâlükârda haksız ticari uygulama olarak kabul edileceği de belirtilmiş bulunmaktadır (m. 28/4). Bu çalışmada da Yönetmeliğin haksız ticari uygulamalara ilişkin hükümlerinde benimsenen sistem ve esaslar tespit edilmeye ve uygulama örnekleri ile yasağa aykırılığın sonuçları hakkında açıklamalarda bulunulmaya çalışılacaktır.
The concept of the "Unfair Commercial Practices" has been integrated into the Turkish Law for the first time with "the Act on Consumer Protection", No: 6502, article 62 in 2014; and on the basis of the articles 61-63, and the article 84 of this act, it appeared in detail in "the Regulation on Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices" issued by the Ministry of Customs and Trade. The Regulation has laid the legal basis for all kinds of commercial advertising and unfair commercial practices in order to protect the rights of consumers by establishing control over them. The third section of the Regulation covers the categories of "Unfair Commercial practices" which are also the topic of discussion of this paper here (Articles 28-31). First and foremost, the Regulation accepts article 28 as a general provision and regulates the unfair commercial practices by defining "Misleading Actions" (article 29); "Misleading Omissions" (article 30); "Aggressive Commercial Practices" (article 31), sequentially. There are also unfair commercial practices declared in the Black List of the Regulation (article 28/4). In this sense, this paper attempts to analyze the consequences of unfair commercial practices focusing on cases as examples, and looking at the possible aberrations from the articles in question.
The concept of the "Unfair Commercial Practices" has been integrated into the Turkish Law for the first time with "the Act on Consumer Protection", No: 6502, article 62 in 2014; and on the basis of the articles 61-63, and the article 84 of this act, it appeared in detail in "the Regulation on Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices" issued by the Ministry of Customs and Trade. The Regulation has laid the legal basis for all kinds of commercial advertising and unfair commercial practices in order to protect the rights of consumers by establishing control over them. The third section of the Regulation covers the categories of "Unfair Commercial practices" which are also the topic of discussion of this paper here (Articles 28-31). First and foremost, the Regulation accepts article 28 as a general provision and regulates the unfair commercial practices by defining "Misleading Actions" (article 29); "Misleading Omissions" (article 30); "Aggressive Commercial Practices" (article 31), sequentially. There are also unfair commercial practices declared in the Black List of the Regulation (article 28/4). In this sense, this paper attempts to analyze the consequences of unfair commercial practices focusing on cases as examples, and looking at the possible aberrations from the articles in question.
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