Publication: Aile konutu ve tapu kütüğüne güven ilkesi
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Türk Medeni Kanununun 194. maddesine göre, eşlerden biri, diğer eşin açık rızası bulunmadıkça, aile konutu ile ilgili kira sözleşmesini feshedemez, aile konutunu devredemez veya aile konutu üzerindeki hakları sınırlayamaz. Malik olmayan eş, tapu kütüğüne aile konutu şerhinin verilmesini isteyebilir. Fakat aile konutu şerhi bulunmayan bir konutu malik olan eş üçüncü bir kişiye devredebilir. Bu durumda ailenin mi, iyiniyetli üçüncü kişinin mi korunacağının belirlenmesi önem taşır. Konu, çeşitli yönleriyle uygulama ve doktrinde tartışılmaktadır. Yargıtay da Nisan 2015'te içtihadını değiştirecek tartışmaya yeni bir boyut kazandırmıştır.
According to Law No. 4721 on the Turkish Civil Code a spouse may terminate a tenancy agreement, alienate the family home or limit the rights in respect of the family home by other transactions only with the express consent of the other. Family home may be entered under priority notice in the land register with the request of the other spouse. If the family home isn't entered under priority notice in the land register, the spouse who is the owner of the family home may alienate the family home to the third party. In this situation the critically important point is who will be protected by the law; the family or the third party relying in good faith on an entry in the land register. This subject is criticized at all points in praxis and doctrine. Supreme Court of Appeals changed its opinion in April 2015 and bringed a new dimension to the discussion.
According to Law No. 4721 on the Turkish Civil Code a spouse may terminate a tenancy agreement, alienate the family home or limit the rights in respect of the family home by other transactions only with the express consent of the other. Family home may be entered under priority notice in the land register with the request of the other spouse. If the family home isn't entered under priority notice in the land register, the spouse who is the owner of the family home may alienate the family home to the third party. In this situation the critically important point is who will be protected by the law; the family or the third party relying in good faith on an entry in the land register. This subject is criticized at all points in praxis and doctrine. Supreme Court of Appeals changed its opinion in April 2015 and bringed a new dimension to the discussion.
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