DÜLGER, Selen Şirin

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Selen Şirin

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Publication Search Results

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  • Placeholder
    Conference ObjectPublication
    ‘Learning portfolio’ to enhance constructivism and student autonomy
    (2010) Büyükduman, İlke; Dülger, Selen Şirin; Preparatory English Program; BÜYÜKDUMAN, Ilke; DÜLGER, Selen Şirin
    At Ozyegin University (OzU), a new evaluation system is being implemented. In this talk, the components of LP practice at OzU will be presented, relating the process to the principles of constructivism and learner autonomy. The presenters will also share the outcomes of a survey that has been conducted to find out the perception of the students regarding the LP practice.
  • Placeholder
    Conference ObjectPublication
    Use of moviemaker to help ESL/EFL students develop language skills
    (2013) Dülger, Selen Şirin; Kutlutan, Halime; Preparatory English Program; DÜLGER, Selen Şirin; AK, Halime Kutlutan
    Students learning a new language need as much practice as possible since becoming proficient in a new language is a difficult process. At Ozyegin University, Turkey, we ask our students to use Windows Moviemaker, which we believe supports them in this process. Our presentation aims to introduce this practice helping learners develop and internalize language skills in a hands-on way.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Learning portfolio (LP) to enhance constructivism and student autonomy
    (Elsevier, 2010) Büyükduman, İlke; Dülger, Selen Şirin; Preparatory English Program; BÜYÜKDUMAN, Ilke; DÜLGER, Selen Şirin
    A learning portfolio (LP) can be broadly defined as a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress and achievements (Smith & Tillema, 1998). At Preparatory Program at Ozyegin University (hereafter OzU), a new evaluation system is being implemented. This paper describes the components of LP practice at OzU, relating the process to the principles of constructivism and learner autonomy. Also the outcomes of a survey that was conducted to find out the perceptions of the students regarding the LP practice are presented and interpreted.
  • Placeholder
    Conference ObjectPublication
    Enlivening students’ creativity through moviemaker in ELT classrooms
    (2017) Dülger, Selen Şirin; Preparatory English Program; DÜLGER, Selen Şirin
    Lately technology has become quite significant both in our personal and professional lives and over the past several decades, the development in the computer technologies has drastically altered the way people gather and process information and communicate with each other. This trend has showed itself in education, as well. Recently computer-based instruction has been widely used in language classrooms in many countries. The logic behind this is use of technology in ELT classrooms helps students practice all the skills varying from speaking to reading and allows them to learn a language in a meaningful context. Technology is motivating, attracting, exciting, and relevant to our students’ lives that are “digital native”. This workshop aims to introduce how Windows Movie Maker application can be integrated into ELT classrooms to ensure students’ participation and to stimulate their motivation and enthusiasm. Specifically, starting with explaining why this application should be integrated into ELT classrooms, I will touch upon how both teachers and students can use it by showing some samples from my own students, then students’ views on the use of Windows Movie Maker will be shared and at the end the participants will be able to practice how to use this application with a hands-on activity.
  • Placeholder
    Conference ObjectPublication
    A new journey: the learning portfolio
    (2010) Büyükduman, İlke; Dülger, Selen Şirin; Preparatory English Program; BÜYÜKDUMAN, Ilke; DÜLGER, Selen Şirin
    A learning portfolio (LP) can be broadly defined as a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the students’ efforts, progress and achievements (Smith, 1997). At the Preparatory Program of Ozyegin University (OzU), a new evaluation system, which is Learning Portfolio, is being implemented. In this talk, the components of LP practice at OzU will be presented.