GENÇTÜRK, Feride Esra

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Feride Esra

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Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • PresentationPublication
    Keynote speech
    (2017-04-27) Gençtürk, Esra; Business Administration; GENÇTÜRK, Feride Esra
    Ozyegin University’s Rector as one of the most loyal attendees of the Istanbul Hub Seminar made its third Keynote Speech. She stressed two of the main objectives of the Seminar, in line with the university vision and mission: Firstly, combining academia, industry and students to discuss the developments of Istanbul as an aviation centre; Secondly, complementing education for students taking place in the classroom with more academic and industry activities like this seminar. Dr. Gençtürk reviewed the topics touched on the previous editions: In 2015 edition How Istanbul was becoming an Aviation Centre; In 2016 edition looking at the strategies of airlines in Istanbul with the new airport; and and this 2017 edition by looking at the air cargo and logistic strategies for Istanbul hub.
  • Placeholder
    Rekabet avantajı kuramının tanımlanması ve ölçümlenmesi
    (Marmara Üniversitesi, 2010) Gençtürk, Esra; Kandemir, D.; Koç, Ö. T.; Demirci, Işıl Ceren; Business Administration; Planning and Analysis Office; GENÇTÜRK, Feride Esra; DEMİRCİ, Işıl Ceren
    Üstün performans elde etmek için, rakiplere karşı sürdürülebilir avantajlara sahip olmak prensibi günümüz strateji düşüncesinin temelini oluşturmaktadır. Ancak, bu avantajların neler olması gerektiği konusunda sınırlı ve çelişkili bilgiler bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajlarının neler olduğunu ve nasıl elde edildiğini anlamak için kaynak bazlı firma teorisi temel yapı olarak benimsenmiş ve rekabet avantajı literatürü ile sentez edilmiştir. Araştırmamızda rekabetçi avantaj kuramının literatürde belirlenmiş tüm farklı boyutları sunulmuş ve bunları içeren sermaye bazlı üç ana üstünlük tanımlanmıştır. Önerilen çok boyutlu ölçüm modelinin ampirik testi ihracat yapan 184 Türk firmasının verilerine dayanmaktadır. Ön analizlerle psikometrik özellikleri sınanan ölçekler doğrulayıcı faktör analizinde yapısal eşitlik modeliyle test edilmiştir.
  • Placeholder
    PresentationPublicationOpen Access
    (Ozyegin University, 2015-03-26) Gençtürk, Esra; Business Administration; GENÇTÜRK, Feride Esra
    The seminar was introduced highlighting the importance of the Air Transport Sector as and strategic sector for Turkey. Also the importance of establishing strong links between business and education, where student get education outside of the classroom.
  • PresentationPublicationOpen Access
    (2016-04-14) Gençtürk, Esra; Business Administration; GENÇTÜRK, Feride Esra
    The introduction to the seminar by Rector Dr. Geçtürk highlighted three elements: 1) The Istanbul Hub Seminar organization came only few days after the organizers changed the status from School of Aviation to Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science; 2) The discussion about the new airport and the strategies of airlines on the new environment is a perfect example of Ozyegin university philosophy in offering to its students sectorial discussion and analysis as a complement of a world class academical technical education; and 3) The importance that the university gives to learning outside of the classroom is achieved by initiatives like this seminar that involves in the organization not only aviation students but also students from other disciplines.
  • Conference ObjectPublicationOpen Access
    Bringing sustainability to the heart of a university through teaching, research and service
    (EDP Sciences, 2018) Gençtürk, Esra; Mengüç, Mustafa Pınar; Business Administration; Mechanical Engineering; MENGÜÇ, Mustafa Pınar; GENÇTÜRK, Feride Esra
    In this short paper, we summarize our targeted efforts at Ozyegin University in Istanbul, Turkey for establishing a sustainable research, teaching and learning environment. The University is striving to have highest level impact on sustainable education, energy, architecture, built environment, business and life-long learning practices. The strategic plan of the University puts the principles of sustainability at the cornerstone of its efforts, with the aim to aspire not only our students and staff, but also the community at large.
  • Placeholder
    Book PartPublication
    Subsidiary marketing strategy implementation (SMSI): The missing link of international marketing strategy research
    (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2011) Gençtürk, Esra; Kandemir, D.; Business Administration; GENÇTÜRK, Feride Esra