HOLT, Ilkay

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  • Placeholder
    Project reportPublication
    2023'e doğru Türkiye'de üniversite kütüphaneleri mevcut durum, sorunlar, standartlar ve çözüm önerileri
    (2015-05-26) Çanak, T. A.; Çelik, S.; Çetinkaya, İ.; Çukadar, S.; Güneş, G.; Gürdal, G.; Holt, İlkay; Kaya, E.; Kaygusuz, A.; Library; HOLT, Ilkay
    Çağın gereklerine uygun ve dünya ile rekabet edebilir bir eğitim, öğretim ve araştırma altyapısı için üniversitelerin en azından kendi alanlarında üretilen bilgiye erişebilecek ve bu bilgiyi 7/24 kullanıcılarının hizmetine sunabilecek altyapıya sahip olmaları gerekir. Bu altyapıdan yoksun bir üniversitede dünyanın bilgi ve deneyiminden yeterince yararlanılamadığı ve hatta daha önce üretilmiş bilgi ve deneyimleri tekrar üretmek üzere gereksiz yere zaman ve para harcandığı ileri sürülebilir. Oysa dünyadaki söz sahibi üniversitelere bakıldığında, bu üniversitelerin kütüphanelerine ciddi yatırımlar yaptıkları ve bu yatırımların sürdürülebilir olması için gerekli önlemleri aldıkları görülür. Örnek vermek gerekirse; Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda üniversite kütüphanelerinin kurum başına ortalama yayın alım bütçesi 9.386.523 dolar, en düşük yayın alım bütçesi ise 5.196.342 dolardır. American Research Library (ARL) üyesi olan Amerika ve Kanada üniversitelerinde kurum başına ortalama yayın alım bütçesi 10.388.129 dolar, en düşük yayın alım bütçesi ise 3.823.732 dolardır. Kütüphane çalışanları açısından bakıldığında Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda üniversite kütüphanelerindeki en az personel sayısı 53, Amerika ve Kanada üniversitelerindeki en az personel sayısı ise 117’dir.
  • PresentationPublicationOpen Access
    Tek Noktadan Hizmet: Kullanıcı Merkezli Ortaklık
    (2013-03-20) Holt, İlkay; Gülver, Murat; Library; Information Technology; HOLT, Ilkay; GÜLVER, Murat
    Birimler arası etkin iletişim sağlanması ve verimli bir karar alma sürecinin sağlanması için tek noktadan hizmet önemlidir. Bu hizmet şekli maliyeti düşürmenin yanı sıra etkin personel kullanımı gibi özellikler de içerir.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    ANKOS publisher application system and its impact on the e-resource evaluation process
    (Elsevier, 2013-03) Bulut, B.; Uğur, H.; Gürdal, G.; Holt, İlkay; Çukadar, S.; Akbayrak, E. H.; Çelebi, M. K.; Library; HOLT, Ilkay
    The Publisher Application System (PAS) is a Web-based archiving and online evaluation system developed by the Database Evaluation Group (DEG), one of the working groups formed within the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS). The DEG was formed in 2008 to inquire and evaluate e-resources suited to the needs of the consortium; to follow up similar consortial activities worldwide as well as developments in connection with the scientific publishing industry; and to determine, implement, and improve pricing models in accordance with the prevailing economic, legal, and academic system. Development of the PAS was essential to ensure standardization and sustainability towards a more detailed and effective analysis of e-resources qualifying for evaluation by ANKOS. The PAS played an important part not only in establishing and defining the workflow of the DEG, but also in creating an archive of both the e-resources submitted to the consortium and the applicant publishers/agents submitting these resources. This article outlines the process that started with the foundation of the DEG through the formation of the PAS as well as the present setup of the system. It is also hoped that this case study will have a positive contribution to the processes being followed by the persons and the groups engaged in similar activities.
  • Placeholder
    Corrigendum to "ANKOS publisher application system and its impact on the e-resource evaluation process"
    (Informa Group, 2013) Bulut, B.; Uğur, H.; Gürdal, G.; Holt, İlkay; Çukadar, S.; Akbayrak, E. H.; Çelebi, M. K.; Library; HOLT, Ilkay
  • Conference paperPublicationOpen Access
    Student Engagement and Library Use: An Examination of Attitudes Towards Use of Libraries and Information Amongst Undergraduate Students at a Turkish University Library
    (2012-12-06) Cribb, G.; Holt, İlkay; Library; HOLT, Ilkay
    The competitive environment in which university libraries operate and provide their services and resources is one of the biggest challenges to engage today’s undergraduate students. There is a limited amount of high quality attention and time students have, to be able to be engaged with what the library offers to them. Planning and designing library awareness and information literacy programs, particularly for new students has presented itself as an on-going challenge for librarians worldwide in recent times. However, the goalpost keeps on moving and the players are becoming more restless, demanding and seeking instant gratification. The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of a study that examines undergraduate students’ experience with research, library and information use prior to coming to university and their behaviour and attitude towards library and information after they have been exposed to a variety of library awareness activities and received information literacy training during their first year at Ozyegin University in Turkey. Students take a compulsory “Introduction to University’ subject during their first semester taught by both internal and external experts on a wide range of topics including ‘Journey of Information’ presented by library staff. The Library is also involved in the subsequent delivery of information literacy programs throughout students’ university programs in an on-going effort to engage them and to get them involved in university-wide activities. The library staff works as partners with the faculty and other student support services in designing, delivering and evaluating these programs. A variety of social media tools, such as Facebook, twitter and blogs as well as competitions, games, face-to-face interactions in and outside the library have been used to engage the students. Majority of new students spend up to a year undertaking intensive English preparatory classes. The curriculum for the ESL (English as a Second Language) program includes a learning portfolio linking various levels of English competency with each other (e.g. elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate etc.) to ensure students complete the program not only with sufficient English language competency but also with information and life skills to help them throughout their studies and further. The research will examine what impact the library’s efforts to engage students in library and information use and their learning and research has had by comparing their pre-university experience, expectations and knowledge and skills about libraries and information use.