EKŞİ, Nuray

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  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Cape town convention on international interests in mobile equipment and its additional protocols
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2020-12-10) Ekşi, Nuray; Law; EKŞİ, Nuray
    In this study, first, secured transactions and the works carried out by UNIDROIT regarding these transactions will be examined. Later, the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment drafted by UNIDROIT, hereinafter referred to as "the Cape Town Convention", will be explained. Four protocols have been made regarding the Cape Town Convention. These protocols are the Aircraft Protocol, the Rail Protocol, the Space Protocol, and the MAC Protocol. In 2011, Turkey ratified the Cape Town Convention together with the Aircraft Protocol. Some arrangements were made to harmonize our domestic law with the Convention and the Protocol following the ratification of both instruments. These arrangements are also addressed in this study. Our general evaluation regarding the Cape Town Convention and the Protocols to this Convention is presented in the conclusion.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Public policy in the enforcement of forein arbitral awards in the light of the judgments of the court of cassation
    (Istanbul University, 2020) Ekşi, Nuray; Law; EKŞİ, Nuray
    In this study, first, the concepts of "recognition" and "enforcement" of foreign arbitral awards will be explained. Then, the legal basis for the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards will be clarified. The principles proposed in the academic circles to prevent the use of public policy beyond its purpose in enforcement of foreign arbitral awards proceedings will be briefly explained. Following that, what is considered by the doctrine to be part of public policy will be addressed. Thereafter, the attempts made by the courts framing public policy as an impediment to the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards will be addressed. In addition, the elements which, in Court of Cassation decisions, are considered to be public policy grounds that justify denial of enforcement of foreign arbitral awards will be evaluated under ten headings. In the last part of the study, the effect of public policy on the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards containing peculiar features will be examined. Three topics will be discussed under this title: first, the effect of public policy on enforcement of interim measures granted by arbitrators; second, the effect of public policy on the enforcement of the RICO or punitive damages awards, and third, the effect of public policy on the recognition of the anti-suit injunctions ordered by arbitrators. Our general evaluation regarding public policy as a bar to enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in terms of Turkish doctrine and practice will be presented in the conclusion.