Person: KILIÇ, Sena
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ArticlePublication Metadata only An evaluation of airport service experience: An identification of service improvement opportunities based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis(Elsevier, 2022-06) Kılıç, Sena; Çadirci, T. O.; Aviation Management; KILIÇ, SenaWith the increase in airport alternatives and airport service variation, passengers' perception of the airport experience has changed. By working with consumer experience through customer reviews, this study aims to define customer experiences and expectations. Topic modeling and sentiment analysis are applied to 1224 passengers' comments on the top 10 airports collected from Skytrax. Ten topics consisting of baggage claim, immigration process, access gates, procedures at the airport, leisure activities, employee service, transfer/transit amenities, terminal facilities, passport control, ambient conditions are identified. With a few exceptions, positive sentiments have been obtained for these topics. Finally, managerial implications and limitations are shared.ArticlePublication Open Access The voice of the consumer on sVoD systems during covid-19: A service opportunity mining approach(Inst Superior Entre Douro & Vouga, 2022-01) Cadirci, T. O.; Gungor, A. S.; Kılıç, Sena; Aviation Management; KILIÇ, SenaElectronic word of mouth (e-WOM) is a vital channel for the exchange of customer-generated content. As the e-WOM messages created by consumers pile all around the Web, they generate an unbiased voice about products and services. With their high-level production in online environments, e-WOM message contributions go far beyond consumer decision-making. They become a vital source for gaining insights on designing and improving marketing offerings. The purpose of the study is to analyze service improvement opportunities for subscription-based video-on-demand (sVoD) services by exploring customer-generated eWOM messages. In addition to this, the study aims to comprehend the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on expectations, real feelings, and attitudes of customers towards its subscription-based video-on-demand services and to compare these emotions with those in the pre-pandemic period. Acting on customer-generated e-WOM messages for sVoD services, the paper provides a real-time analysis of monitoring customer needs and wants in a fast-moving service environment with topic-based sentiment analysis. The main procedures include data extraction and pre-processing, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and opportunity analysis. When pre-covid and post-covid sentiments are compared, it is found that all sentiment scores have decreased, except for content diversity. The rich content offered by Amazon has led subscribers to take step to post positive comments about the platform. Addtionally, the results show possible service improvement opportunities in streaming quality, TV series content selection, use of commercials, and customer value generation in sVoD service encounters. The study identifies service improvement opportunities using data mining technology, which can provide a more in-depth understanding of consumer perceptions of marketing offerings and service quality. In addition, it analyzes the perceptions of consumers toward sVoD services in times of the Covid-19 pandemic.ArticlePublication Metadata only Analysis of Turkey’s airport network structure and centrality in the opening-out period after the first wave of COVID-19: A complex network approach(Elsevier, 2022-12) Ersöz, Cem; Kılıç, Sena; Aldemir, Hüseyin Önder; Aviation Management; ERSÖZ, Cem; KILIÇ, Sena; ALDEMİR, Hüseyin ÖnderThere are a few studies present analyzing air transport structures of the countries, regions, and the world by using complex network theory. Although Turkey has a complex air network with 56 airports, thorough research has not been carried out applying complex network analysis to reveal the structure of the airport network in Turkey yet. Furthermore, the fact that Turkey is a developing economy and the role of air transport in this development is undeniable, and its use as a transit area due to its geopolitical location, together with social and political factors, makes it important to understand this air transport network in detail. Consequently, in this paper, Turkey's Airport Network (TAN) topology was explored by implementing concepts of complex network theory using domestic and international passenger flight data gathered from FlightRadar during the opening period after the first wave of Covid-19. The average path length and clustering coefficient for connectivity performance and centrality metrics (degree, betweenness, and closeness) were computed and the network correlations were also measured and compared with simulated random, small-world (SW), and scale-free (SF) network models. Also, structural similarities and differences with the air networks of other countries are revealed.ArticlePublication Open Access Innovation at airports: A systematic literature review (2000–2019)(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2021-09-29) Kılıç, Sena; Üçler, Çağlar; Martin-Domingo, Luis; Professional Flight Program; Aviation Management; ÜÇLER, Çağlar; DOMINGO, Luıs Martın; KILIÇ, SenaAirports operate in a highly-competitive and challenging environment. Therefore, in order to remain competitive, innovation is imperative for airports. This paper aims to conduct academic research into innovation at airports by reviewing studies published from 2000 to 2019 for presenting key findings. A systematic literature review was made based on scientific papers indexed in Scopus with the keywords innovation and airport in the title, abstract or keywords sections, consolidating the innovation focus, approach and degree discussed with respect to innovation areas and territorial focal points. Consequently, it was found that research on airport innovation is: (i) mainly focused on products/services, (ii) concerned with leveraging ICT (Informatıon Communication Technology), (iii) implemented ad-hoc without a consolidated strategic approach, and (iv) lacks the input of external innovation scholars and specialists.ArticlePublication Metadata only Gender in the cockpit: Challenges faced by female airline pilots(Elsevier, 2020-07) Yanıkoğlu, Özge Peksatıcı; Kılıç, Sena; Küçükönal, Hatice; Aviation Management; YANIKOĞLU, Özge; KILIÇ, Sena; KÜÇÜKÖNAL, HaticeDespite the increasing number of female pilots in recent years, the aviation industry is still considered a male-dominated one. Being underrepresented in an occupation and working in an industry with masculine discourses create several challenges for female pilots. This study aims to identify gender-related career challenges experienced by female pilots based in Turkey. The findings of the study reveal that female commercial airline pilots have been experiencing gender prejudice and discrimination in the workplace. These prejudices and discriminations place considerable psychological burden on them which can significantly affect their behaviour and performance. Considering the findings of the study, several recommendations are given to the airline companies and the society in supporting female pilots’ career advancement.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Modernizing data and cloud practices: A review and model proposal for future studies(IEEE, 2023) Havle, Celal Alpay; Kılıç, Sena; Üçler, Çağlar; Professional Flight Program; Aviation Management; HAVLE, Celal Alpay; KILIÇ, Sena; ÜÇLER, ÇağlarThe interaction of society is transforming towards connectivity and digital experiences. This results in big data which cannot be utilized and managed by companies in an efficient way. Despite various applications of the cloud and other advanced technologies, companies cannot distinguish essential information adequately. Consequently, there is a need for data modernization, but there are only partial modernization solutions and no incorporative model. Thus, a literature review was leveraged to isolate 15 related criteria, which are then grouped under 3 main dimensions (i) business, (ii) organizational and cultural, and (iii) technical, which then delivers a generic model suitable to guide and measure the transformation of companies.