ZEYDAN, Sultan

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    PresentationPublicationOpen Access
    Let your students speak: fun and effective ways to increase students’ confidence to speak
    (2011-11-26) Zeydan, Sultan; Preparatory English Program; ZEYDAN, Sultan
    In the communicative model of language teaching, we should help our students develop authentic practice for real-life communication situations since the main goal of English Language Teaching is to empower students to become independent learners. In order to do this, multi-sensory tasks requiring integrated skills should be offered to students. The teachers’ feedback reveals that creating real-life communication situations can enrich and foster in-class speaking and prevent students from misunderstandings and communication breakdowns. Drawings, headlines, diagrams and cards are excellent sources to make lessons more memorable and enjoyable.The main purpose of this presentation is to introduce a series of innovative and creative activities increasing students’ motivation and confidence to speak more voluntarily inside and outside class.