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Publication Search Results

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  • Placeholder
    Conference paperPublication
    Silence in the EFL classroom
    (International Organization Center Of Academic Research, 2014) Altuntaş, Eylem; Undergraduate English Program; ALTUNTAŞ, Eylem
    Silence in the language classroom has been the experience of many teachers especially in speaking activities. Silence and its reasons have been investigated in a considerable number of studies in the field of foreign language teaching. The studies have shed light on such aspects as foreign language anxiety, culture, or previous education. This present study aims to explore the reasons why a group of Turkish EFL learners keep silent during the language classes. The study also presents some suggestions for language teachers as to help their students overcome the problem of silence in the language classroom. The study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative research designs. Data collection tools include learner diaries, semi-structured interviews, and a questionnaire.
  • Placeholder
    The theme of alienation in two dystopian novels: brave new world and fahrenheit 451
    (Güven Plus Grup A. Ş., 2013) Altuntaş, Eylem; Undergraduate English Program; ALTUNTAŞ, Eylem
    Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 are both about how the influence of technology affected mankind. Brave New World depicts a future where people are produced scientifically. Fahrenheit 451 is about a future where firemen start fires instead of extinguishing them, in order to burn books. Huxley’s and Bradbury’s novels are above all about the theme of alienation and people that are affected by it. The aim of this paper is to analyse the theme of alienation in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 from sociological and psychological viewpoints and to present evidence that support the paper’s purpose.
  • Conference paperPublicationOpen Access
    The theme of alienation in two dystopian novels: brave new world and fahrenheit 451
    (INT Organization Center ACAD Research, 2014-02) Altuntaş, Eylem; Undergraduate English Program; Uslu, F.; ALTUNTAŞ, Eylem
    Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 are both about how the influence of technology affected mankind. Brave New World depicts a future where people are produced scientifically. Fahrenheit 451 is about a future where firemen start fires instead of extinguishing them, in order to burn books. Huxley's and Bradbury's novels are above all about the theme of alienation and people that are affected by it. The aim of this paper is to analyse the theme of alienation in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 from sociological and psychological viewpoints and to present evidence that support the paper's purpose.